• CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      Back in the day it was almost unthinkable to release a game as bugged as Bethesda's. However because of the sheer scale and quality (nothing came close back then) it wasn't detrimental and everyone knew modders would fix the bugs anyway down the line. One thing Bethesda is known for is at least embracing mod support and releasing tools for it.

      Their games nowadays are just as bugged as before but because it's become common to release buggy games on day 1 (to the point that sometimes they're unplayable for half the users, like RDR2), by comparison they look almost pristine. At the very least I don't remember game breaking bugs in TES 3 4 or 5 that would prevent you from progressing the game.

  • Addfwyn@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    8-9. I am normally not so skeptical, but Bethesda has a track record of releasing games that I would personally not even consider to be playable.

    I understand why it happens, given the scope of their games (Though Larian may have something to say about doing that well), but it's still pretty inevitable the game will be pretty busted for at least a few months.

    If they had gone the route of doing an extensive EA period that let them get bugs in hand? Maybe different, but a Bethesda open world RPG released straight to retail is just going to be a mess.

  • RedCat@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Probably a worse shitshow than Fallout 76. Even if I still had a PC I wouldn't bother buying the game until (at least) 6 months after release.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      F76 was an utter shitshow but the bugs were only the third most important reason for this. Second was that its design was utter shit multi trash riding on online-only psychosis ruling back then. And first was that after this many years it was not an Elder Scrolls 6.

      And in fact, Starfield is their first actual RPG since Fallout4 and considering how shit as RPG that was, since Skyrim. For me it will be most likely harsh critique so soon after the amazing real RPG that is Baldur 3 (i still prefer exploring empty planets to... building base 🤮 🤮 🤮 F4 really fucking blew it )

      • SerLava [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Yeah even if Starfield has 5x the bugs as Fallout 76, it won't matter as much. It has game saves. Bethesda had a blind spot that made them think they were capable of publishing a game that couldn't be saved and reloaded.

  • lorty@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    You play Bethesda games at launch because of the bugs or because you got on the hype.

  • TerminalEncounter [she/her]
    11 months ago

    8 or 9. I want to play it on release but there's just no way it isn't fucked up like every other Bethesda release - hopefully there's no crash to desktop or stuff that completely fucks up your hard drive, but that's about the highest hope I have for it. Plus, I might as well wait for a GOTY edition with all the inevitable dlc in like 3 years after they patched everything and the modders have a good unofficial bug patch set up.

  • Yiazmat@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    I think probably like a 7 or 8. No idea if it's true or not but there was that leak at the beginning of the year that said Redfall and Starfield were both delayed because they were in pretty rough shape, and they were right about Redfall so that doesn't really bode well.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Isn’t one of the major draws from Bethesda games their glitches though? Not all of them of course, and some are gamebreaking, but the majority are goofy, fun, and add to the memorability.

    Plus if they give a damn, I feel like any major game breaking bugs will be patched in under a week-2 months.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      The major draw, at least on PC, will always be the modding community. Glitches are a staple but they get old fast, the reason skyrim and fallout 4 are still being played by so many today is because the community keeps making great content.