This stupid country just lets people fucking die and get disabled everyday. I'm sick of it. My tax dollars just go to killing and dismembering people abroad. Fuck fuck fuck.

  • brainw0rms [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Yeah, this is very true. I have a theory that Lyme disease is responsible for a large segment of undiagnosed mental illness in the US. Many people don't know this, but you can develop severe schizophrenia or other mental illness symptoms after having it, even some time later. Has happened to people I knew.

    I once looked into the bizarre subreddit communities which harbor those likely suffering from mental illness like r/gangstalking, and the various "morgellons" related (and adjacent) communities. A lot of those people have in common that they are either past/present abusers of stimulants like meth/dextroamphetamines, have had Lyme disease (sometimes more than once), or both.

    • mar_k [he/him]
      2 months ago

      would this be unlikely for those who've never experienced any noticeable symptoms after a tick bite?

        2 months ago

        I’ve heard that’s seemingly a western thing with the disease. Which for some reason makes me feel stronger about the Lyme disease causing it haha