Post 'em here, folks!

What are your favorite places to shop for gear? How do you find your deals?

For ammo, I have personally had some success with ammoseek, thanks to a recommendation from a comrade on r/SocialistRA. You have to be quick because vultures will swoop in to flip, but I did manage to get 400 rounds of quality 9x19 for 30c/rnd about a week ago.

I was also able to find a good deal on my P-07 through a site called , again thanks to a recommendation from a fine SRA individual. Interestingly, the page for it didn't seem to be navigable to from within the host site lol, or at least the listing was very hard to find or categorized incorrectly.

(I am not affiliated with these places)

    • Sushi_Desires
      4 years ago

      I actually went to a gun show recently and was blown away by all the variety of all the guns, but personally it was way more intimidating to me. I kept thinking "I need Ian here to tell me if the weapon is genuine and/or worth the price."