Salah said her rheumatologist was ecstatic when he found out she was leaving the country. “He was anticipating that a lot of my stress would go away when I move abroad, and therefore my lupus would get better,” she said. “And also the quality of food. So he was very, very excited for me.”

  • GlueBear [they/them, comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    As for the chicken, holy fuck. They've become almost inedible. I say almost because I hate to waste food, even horribly cooked food.

    Because chickens have been bred for faster and larger growth, the meat itself now has problems. There's a disease called "woody breast",the%20hard%20consistency%20after%20death.

    You can read more about it here, but in summary: chicken breast texture has changed for the worst because of the industry's insistence on faster growth and larger chickens. The link above has some pictures with it too. It's absolutely awful, and it's one of the reasons I eat so little meat in general.

    Fuck, we even got green chicken in the US. And it's because of the same problem that led to "woody breast" disease.,large%20for%20the%20blood%20supply.

    The u.s government website fucking talking about it. And here are some pictures:

    Only in the u.s can you get green fucking chicken.

    It's disgusting.