not me facing homelessness problem unable to find a place that allows a pet. My bad for having a sweet little girl for the past 15 or so years. She is so cute. I love her so much.
There is this incredibly small duplex in my small 4k population town and even that place doesn't allow pets. Oh and even if I do find a place, it will end up costing 50% of my monthly post tax income. Yayy!!
Does your area have Emotional Support Animal protections? Here it's built into housing discrimination. My psychiatrist submitted a letter saying that my dog helps in X ways, a pet screening company verified it, and my landlord had to allow him in an apartment that otherwise doesn't allow pets. No deposit and no monthly fees, just a yearly recertification.
This seems like a great approach. Unfortunately, unless I have misunderstood something, it seems I would have to be first diagnosed with something that would give cause to needing an emotional support animal. It does not seem like I would be able to do this in a timely manner. Once I get any place though, I'll definite pursue this to prevent any further issues of having a pet.
To that end I'm not sure what kind of diagnostic process would be necessary. My letter just says that I feel depressed, anxious, and less tied to a routine when I don't have a pet to focus on. The dog provides companionship and stability. That was enough for the pet screeners to check the box.