• SigloPseudoMundo@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Oh so now it doen't meet your criteria dude. Typical tankie I bet u don't consider the holodomor a genocide either. You talk about morals and then say killing civilians ain't a crime. Such a lack of self awareness... How do you even breathe.

    • GarbageShoot [he/him]
      11 months ago

      Typical tankie I bet u don't consider the holodomor a genocide either.

      The mainstream position among liberal historians (and not pop historians or politicians) is indeed that the famine was not a genocide. Some reading on that topic: https://www.villagevoice.com/in-search-of-a-soviet-holocaust/

    • ElChapoDeChapo [he/him, comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      The holodomor is a lie created by nazis to downplay the actual genocide of the Holocaust, by spewing this bullshit your engaging in a form of Holocaust denial

      China liberating Tibet from a theocracy built on a foundation of slavery and run by pedophiles wasn't a genocide either

      All of your boy who cried Adolf garbage is just making it easier for actual fascists and nazis to maintain or regain power and you'll somehow alway find an excuse to support them

      I don't know how fascists like you function, don't care either

      • SigloPseudoMundo@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        "By general consensus, Stalin was partially responsible." That author would've been executed or gulaged in the ussr since it was a crime to mention the holodomor & blame the authorities. I bet to you that sounds exactly like how a responsible government would respond to criticism.

      • SigloPseudoMundo@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        I ain't fash but you can believe whatever delusions you want. Russia is committing war crimes and committed genocide in the past. And instead you bend over backwards to suck putin's fat dick and engage in revisionist history so you can believe in an ideal of something that never existed. What a shocker... You calling someone who disagrees with you to be a Nazi, I expected you to at least call me a liberal first lol.

      • SigloPseudoMundo@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Lol, u pretending to be so moral that you hide behind the strictest definitions of the word genocide. If committing hundreds to 30,000 war crimes isn't bad enough for you to take seriously then yeah I'm guilty of a bit of hyperbole, at least I'm not a genocide denier like you clearly are. The UN takes its sweet time to name atrocities with "genocide" but changing that definition doesn't make the innocent in those mass graves killed by Russian troops any more alive.

        • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
          11 months ago

          I'm using the UN definition of genocide which most states have agreed to. Earlier you said that most states did not recognize the referenda held in the Donbass so they didn't count. You're projecting so much we could watch a movie with the whole 'grad on your forehead bro, have some academic rigour if you're gonna try arguing.

          • SigloPseudoMundo@lemmy.ml
            11 months ago

            The only thing you contested is that it's not considered a genocide & after which I said I was guilty of hyperbole. But I noticed how you didn't dispute the fact that mass graves show up everywhere the Russian army occupied. How you can support such barbarity while it's ongoing is past my capabilities to understand, you should teach classes about how to live in denial.

            • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
              11 months ago

              I disputed them in my earlier comment.

              you should teach classes about how to live in denial.

              Honestly it's for comments like this that we don't ban you, you're very entertaining in a certain way.

              • SigloPseudoMundo@lemmy.ml
                11 months ago

                Yeah every atrocity just so happens to be a trick or a plot against the Soviets. Russians have been downplaying every atrocity since they axed the romanovs. I put people like you right next to Holocaust deniers because there's not a piece of evidence that you won't say is faked because you want so desprately to to believe in something that never existed. You'll believe every shred of anti West propaganda .Pathetic. Someday you might realize that every world power commits mass murder now & again but it's not going to be today.

                • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
                  11 months ago

                  if you actually knew anything about Holocaust denialism you wouldn't even make this comparison because you'd have realized how stupid and uninformed you'd sound. Alas, you are just one more white liberal who thinks their 3 years of high school prepared them to know everything there is to know about the world.

                  It's about this time that you finally get sweet release and earn your ban, because what you're doing is actual Holocaust denial, trying to downplay it by comparing it to an event that was nothing like it in scope, size, and amount of deaths.