One of my friends is about to be dumped off their parents' health insurance and are in the all-american sweet spot of 'too-poor to afford insurance', 'too-rich for medicaid'. We joked about getting married so they could get on my insurance because my union takes care of me pretty good but I'm worried I don't understand the implications enough to make a good decision.
What does getting married actually mean?
Importantly, this includes your preexisting income after the marriage happens, court doesn’t care if you never got a raise. If you made X before the marriage, after the marriage they get a share of X
But what if they pull the card of "it was a sham marriage from the start, here is the proof we signed and dated before doing the fraud"
I’m not entirely sure it would be fraud, assuming the forms are all filled out properly. The risk is in the marriage itself, if I’m understanding properly.