Something I was thinking about last night is the way capital g Gamers view games as art. They don't refer to the way a game utilizes control and if there's any thematic relevance in what you can you do, or even bother doing basic middle school level plot analysis. When say "this game is art!" they usually just mean that the game is pretty or it's well made.
Yeah that's a pretty common phenomenon. It's the same reason why most of the top posts on r/art are photorealistic art, and not works that make you think or feel something. Don't get me wrong I'm not knocking photorealistic art or anything, but for stereotypical Gamers and redditors it's all about the technical achievement and difficulty involved in creating something, not the narrative or how it makes you think or feel.
It's kind of funny that when g*mers say videogames are art they mostly mean they can post a screenshot of a landscape that resembles a Thomas Kinkade painting and then talk about how beautiful it is.
Making a game look like a Thomas Kinkade painting would be a pretty neat accomplishment for non-photorealistic rendering and also fucking hilarious.
The fairytale land in the Blood and Wine DLC of The Witcher 3 comes awfully close!
I think and also know from my own experience that to many people (especially men) feelings are icky, uncool etc so they just like the art that the romans did or art that's about beauty, which is easy to appreciate.
Thing is Triple AAAAAA games are art, in the same way movies made for general mass consumption are art.
Then you get games more like Undertale or Metal Gear Solid 2 that use the medium to its advantage and explore things that you can't with other forms of art.
Does it make you feel something? Or rather, does it try to make you feel something?
Holy shit, was Dead Island bad. That piece of pre-rendered marketing was better than any of the stories I remember in-game.
Video games are art in the way that my Dad should respect me for spending twelve hours a day playing them but not in the way that they can being meaningfully impactful or subversive.
Exactly like don't get me wrong driving simulation games have been used by real world racing drivers to train and games such as The Last of Us series show the narrative potential of video games. But capital G G*amers really get on my nerves so fucking much.
I can’t believe I used to think Anita sarkeesian was some “outside force” trying to destroy gaming
I guess you found this though top of all time on the games community? Unless I now have a dedicated following somehow I don't see how else you would find a 20 day old post. Anyways welcome to and hope you enjoy it here!
I was scrolling through the games community and there’s not that many posts
Yeah the communities are pretty barren atm, everyone just posts in main. I think it will get better in the future though.