Your loss. The latest one is absolutely hilarious, especially the theatrical cut which trims it to a reasonable time but cuts the scenes that make the plot make sense. It opens with 2 dinosaurs fighting and the cuts to a black screen and 1.5 Million Years Later comes up and then it's the rest of the movie. It is a super long time jump after a totally pointless event and it stays around that level. It's great
Your loss. The latest one is absolutely hilarious, especially the theatrical cut which trims it to a reasonable time but cuts the scenes that make the plot make sense. It opens with 2 dinosaurs fighting and the cuts to a black screen and 1.5 Million Years Later comes up and then it's the rest of the movie. It is a super long time jump after a totally pointless event and it stays around that level. It's great
X to doubt
Things aren't good
Counterpoint: It's ok to enjoy some slop
I didn't say anything about enjoying, I love garbage as much as the next ungenderable communist radical