It's gotta be Primal for me

    1 month ago

    All the ones I've watched (the top row) are wonderful, but Samurai Jack is a definite standout.

    I hate that Grievous from this Clone Wars show isn't really cannon anymore. They did such a good job making him legitimately frightening, and it really sold the idea of him being capable of hunting jedi for sport.

    Anyone care to sell me on Primal?

      1 month ago

      I was really really excited about Primal. Samurai Jack was such a formative show for me and Primal sounded like they had handed Tartakovsky a large budget and told him to just do whatever he wanted, for whatever audience, and he chose an R-rated dinosaur theme. Fricking amazing setup. The show itself.....kinda drags. The first 5? episodes are non-stop creative freedom. They were everything I hoped for and more. I remember watching those early episodes with my mouth just hanging open at the sheer audacity. But over time he tries to weave more of a story, integrate more characters and I don't think it works particularly well. The visuals are all incredible, there are great moment in every episode, but I didn't particularly care for season 2. It just wasn't working for me.

      If you like Samurai Jack then you should definitely watch this. It's a master of animation and storytelling showing a new, more mature side of himself. It is shocking, beautiful and absolutely worth a watch. I wish season 2 had lived up to my expectations but I'm grateful for what we got.

      1 month ago

      Primal is a two season show with basically no dialog, a fantastic story, and an incredible sound landscape. The sound design of the show is it's own beast.

      Your main complaint at the end will be that there isn't more, while understanding that the story has closed itself.

      It's probably Genndy's best work; I don't know how he can top it. And I love both Samurai Jack and Clone Wars.

    16 days ago

    Nobody's saying it yet so I will: Unicorn: Warriors Eternal is phenomenal. It's maybe just a bit below Primal and Samurai Jack for me in terms of sheer impact but the scope and ambition of the storytelling and animation has only grown since he did those shows. Unicorn tells a truly bizarre tale in an unusual setting with more of an ensemble cast than most of his works. There's definitely some sense that he's doing it to challenge himself more. But it still works great.

    1 month ago

    Is it me or nobody remembers or talks about The Clone Wars animated?

    I just watched some episodes (they were like mini episodes) and at that time I was not very invested in the Star Wars world, but I always found it very cool... And it seems like it just vanished from people's minds lol.