Alternatingly, gabapentin either works great and has barely noticeable withdrawal, or a hellish acid reflux suffering tablet with the worst withdrawal in the world and I am once again a victim of the opioid crisis.

My doctor suggested gabapentin when I asked for an anxiety med, cool idea or no? It's an off-label use so I might be a victim again. My impression so far is that it feels like a very lightweight version of loprazolam, goofy and relaxed. I'm still stimming ofc but I'm also calmly vibing, and I can still feel my emotions which is nice. Pls tell me how over it is ✨

  • FlakesBongler [they/them]
    1 month ago

    Well, they prescribed my dog gabapentin because she's anxious and all it does is make her the world's sleepiest hound

    Personally, don't like having her zonked out 20 hours of the day, but then again I also doubt my dog has actual anxiety problems (pretty sure the people who left her at the shelter lied)