Axios article

Hamas on Sunday rejected an updated U.S. proposal for a ceasefire and hostage deal in Gaza


More specifically, Hamas objects to the fact that the proposal doesn't include a permanent ceasefire

b asks: "There is no ceasefire deal. How then could Hamas reject a ceasefire deal?"

    29 days ago

    It's obvious why they make these articles. They want you to think that Hamas must be the most evil organzation ever if they keep rejecting "peace deals" while so many are dying.

  • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
    29 days ago

    I honestly hope that when all this is said and done, a manhunt for all the imperial propagandists takes place along with the other war criminals.

    Much of the regime media is guilty- guilty of incitement and blood libel (against Palestinians and Muslims, against Chinese, Russians, and countless others), guilty of aiding and abetting genocide, even in some cases guilty of explicit war crimes. And they should pay, specifically many of the worst offenders (ie. typical NYT/BBC/Fox News/etc fare) should be made to pay the highest price- that is, they should be hung like the criminals they are at the scene of some future Nuremburg trials.

    The world has seen what happens when those guilty of such crimes- even down to the yellow press of imperialism- are allowed to fester and spread their rot. We've seen what happens with the east European Nazis, and we've seen what happens when Nazism (or rather, its progenitors- who are every bit as wicked and genocidal) triumphs for 500 years through the example of the collective west. This time around, humanity has to see to it that each and every imperialist is either fully and unquestionably rehabilitated (and even then, also disarmed of whatever means through which they might pose a threat) or put down like a rabid dog.