He's was one of the rare folks that wanted to hang out 24-7. Met him 4 years ago in front of a Kmart. He was in a box marked 'free'.


We worked together, he liked to ride in our truck.
He was a master thief and relished in a good swipe.


He enjoyed the river and zoomies. And staring at me.


He was a working class guy who once chased a hated manager out of a place we would frequent. He received extra treats for this from the employees who were among his best friends.

I'm sorry I let you down bud. You should still be here with me. I'll miss you.

  • HexcraftDirtFarmer
    5 months ago

    Rest easy sweet pupper - and best wishes OP. Loss is hard.

    CW: Vaguely sharing my own to empathise. Put vaguely - time dulls all pains, and we grow.


    November it'll be two years since my Gray girl passed. The events were preventable, I failed her. My experience is that time, and doing better than that one bad day, makes it easier to live with it.