This is from the DPR MFA Telegram:


Vladimir Putin has signed a decree allowing foreigners who share Russian spiritual and moral values to apply for temporary residence

The presidential decree grants the right to apply for a temporary residence permit without considering the established quota and without submitting proof of Russian language proficiency or knowledge of Russian history.

The document applies to those coming from countries that impose destructive neoliberal principles that contradict Russian traditional values. According to the decree, the list of such countries will be determined by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

      29 days ago

      Yeah thats the vibe I got from the RT article. I guess he’s targeting conservatives in general. It is interesting though, I’m definitely not part of the demographic he’s looking for, if another country (like China) did I would jump at the opportunity.

    28 days ago

    destructive neoliberal principles that contradict Russian traditional values

    "destructive neoliberal principles are "Russian traditional values" and have been since the counter-revolution and subsequent shock therapy that created the RF.

      28 days ago

      Yeah, that’s what confused me too because is Russia not neoliberal as well? I know it’s quite different in ways compared to western nations, but are they not operating under similar systems since the 90s? I wonder if “neoliberal principles” in this case just translates to queer rights.

      28 days ago

      That’s sadly what it is. I wanted a Russian source on this, and the RT article I linked in a comment basically says exactly that. It talks about the banning of gender reassignment surgery, banning of LGBT “propaganda” (whatever the fuck that means), and a weird thing about banning the promotion of child-free sentiment. It’s such a shame…

    29 days ago

    Here’s an article from RT about this:

      28 days ago

      I don’t know anything about the immigration policies in Russia, but I’m assuming anyone could go there but paperwork will differ depending on where you are from and the circumstances of you going there. But hey, with this current policy maybe your country will be listed, but if not I guess you’d have to look into it more