never thought id witness it in real life, but i finally witnessed the chud incel

  • gueybana [any]
    19 days ago

    Truly, racism agains Indians and South Asians in general is the most rampant and socially acceptable form of racism in this day an age. It is truly absurd the level of open racism you’ll find literally everywhere aside from maybe terfIsland.

    People literally have no qualms about calling my desi friends slurs out in public. And I’m talking hard r.

    • SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️
      19 days ago

      Dunno about it being the "most" rampant/acceptable, but it's definitely exploded here in Klanada (it was always bad that said). As someone who's ethnic Chinese it's a toss-up between whether they hate South Asians, Muslims, or Chinese (of course there's a fair bit of overlap) the most really...

      Shit will probably get very scary in the following decade IMO. Hopefully not internment camps or worse levels of bad, but I could see it happening.

      • Amerikan
        18 days ago

        I'm not gonna front like I know what the gun control situation is in klanada but y'all need to arm up any way you can. Even if y'all out in the streets with knives, bats, and thunderballs, y'all need somethin

          18 days ago

          It's not legal to carry any object for the purpose of using it as a weapon, even for self defence, in Canada.

          • Amerikan
            18 days ago

            Oh wow, that's wild. Guess it's either "learn to brawl or get comfortable with potentially doing time to defend yourself" up there then. Know which way I'd go; but it sounds like your country, so your discernment there is yours