Hi everyone,

I'm on a long delayed (re-weight loss journey) about 10 years ago I lost 115 lbs and kept it off until the last year or two where it's kept back up and now I found myself at 240lbs (previous high was 294). So anywho, I'm on day 4 tracking calories again and I was disappointed this community is inactive. I went back to Reddit for the first time in over a year and the reddit app is so bad. Ads everywhere.

So anywho, if anyone is interested maybe we can restart this community or start a new one if the mod here is gone. If anyone is interested let's share or stories, successes, tips and failures.

Edit: so cool to see all the comments! Thanks y'all.

  • SOB_Van_Owen@lemm.ee
    17 days ago

    I'd like to see it more active. Long-term maintainer here. 115 lb loss. Kept off with little variation for over two decades. Life events impacted my equilibrium over the last 2 years and I've laid on ~15 lbs I can't afford to carry for health reasons. It is coming off, just slower than I'd like. Welcome support and happy to share experiences.

  • Lemmeenym@lemm.ee
    17 days ago

    I am restarting as well. I was a pandemic weight loser, from the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2023 I went from 470 to 180 and over the last year I've gone back up to almost 300 and have mostly abandoned my exercise routine. I've been working for a couple weeks to get back to exercising and get back under 200.

    Looks like one mod hasn't posted for 7 months and the other posted 2 weeks ago but is very infrequent.

  • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
    17 days ago

    Is there anything in particular that makes keeping that weight loss difficult?

    It is indeed a shame that this community is inactive, but maybe c/fitness or c/self_improvement on Hexbear could be of help?

    • Howdy@lemmy.zip
      17 days ago

      Keeping it off for a decade id consider I win. What's changed is, I work from home now and have a toddler. Which has changed my entire life. Bit of depression mixed in and bam. 30lb gain in a year.

      Luckily I already know how to lose weight and finally getting my head in the right place to get started with Ernest effort

    • SOB_Van_Owen@lemm.ee
      17 days ago

      Seems to me that weight maintenance is inherently difficult. Given that such a small percentage manage to preserve a major weight loss. It's something that requires daily mindfulness that is difficult to maintain in the stresses of life in this era.

      • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
        17 days ago

        I mean, I understand the difficulty conceptually, I've even seen friends struggle with it, but "understanding" is a whole 'nother ball game. I've had more struggle in the other direction, perhaps that's why.

    • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
      17 days ago

      I know there's been a few people talking about weight loss stuff on the Hexbear megathreads, you'd surely be in good company.

  • WanderingVentra@lemm.ee
    17 days ago

    I'd love that. I've been trying to lose weight, too. Was doing pretty well for awhile though but now I've been stuck on a plateau for months now. I know the problem, too. (Will go crazy every now and then when I get cocky from losing a pound or two lol). Let's see if we can get this community going again!

  • helloworld55@lemm.ee
    15 days ago

    I'm here! I am not on reddit anymore, and I drop into the community once a week or so, but I usually read all the posts here.

    I started tracking my calories again about 3 weeks ago. I've always been aiming for 0.5-2lb/week loss, but I always ended up cutting too much when I hit a plateu, or drank too much water the day before weighing, and it wasn't sustainable.

    This time around, I've been only going off a weekly moving average for actually comparing my weight. Even though my daily weight can look really noisy (±2lbs sometimes) it's showed I've been tracking about 1lb loss per week pretty closely. I wish someone told me this sooner, I devoted way too much energy trying to lose 0.14lb/day

  • Assian_Candor [comrade/them]
    17 days ago

    My recommendation for anyone looking to lose weight: Download MacroFactor, give it your weight daily, log everything you eat and eat the macro split that the app tells you. More than likely you're getting too many carbs/fat and not enough protein like most westerners.

    You have to pay for the app but it but it's worth it. Take heart! This is a solved problem. Just take your time, Rome was built brick by brick, one pound a week and you'll be where you want to be in no time.

  • Elaine@lemm.ee
    17 days ago

    I lost about 60 lbs in 2021 for health reasons after I had gained a bunch during Covid depression. Last summer I regained fifteen pounds while trying to patch up my relationships with my people.

    It’s been tough to accept that I will always need to track my CICO to maintain because it is too easy for me to slide in too many calories thinking it wasn’t that much.