Apparently the hammer and sickle specter is too terrifying for the libs at

Adjust your posting accordingly so as to not disturb their delicate sensibilities

Edit: Mod responds!

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    11 months ago

    I want to emphasize that Russia is not concerned with Anglo propoganda, they are primarily and only concerned with reaching out to the third world, China, and their own populace. Maybe if you speak Russian or another Slavic language you will receive propoganda, but the amount of propoganda that Russia sends English speakers is negligible and to pretend that it is at all a factor in online English discourse is literally reiterating completely debunked Russia-gate propoganda. You are literally more likely to unknowingly run into Scientology propoganda than you are Russian propaganda. This is the ravings of someone who's so far in the Kool-Aid they are seeing red everywhere.