So, the German word for agave syrup is "Agavendicksaft". Word-for-word that translates as "agave thick juice". Romantic...
Alright I'll try calling my SO agavendicksaft. If you never hear from me again then you know what happened
I am currently drinking hard seltzer made with agave and it slaps
Yeah I fell off the wagon but reality sucks rn
I never knew if this is a thing in Iran or just the Iranian community I grew up in but they call all alcoholic beverages that aren't beer or hard liquor "zima"
lmao that's like how some parts of the US they just call all soda "coke"
My girlfriend and I do that with a number of things. Instead of "kazerig" (cheesy) we say "edelgisterig" (nutritional-yeasty). She goes quite far with it; she always calls animal milk mother's milk and she always calls meat killed animals.
Pretty sure if I called my wife a yeasty lady I'd be sleeping on the sofa for a while haha.