"Oh really, you don't know whether to use the macguffin to save the world or destroy it, because you're hung up on the question of pUrPosE iN a WoRlD oF SuFferInG? What are you, a fucking 19th century aristocrat who thinks tuberculosis is cool and sexy because you've literally never had to struggle for anything ever and your brain has liquefied and run out of your ears as a result? Get the fuck over yourself and stop giving yourself brainworms with philosophy cooked up by bored, rich old drunks."

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    13 days ago

    "So the Vox are 'just as bad' as the white colonial empire that forced everyone in the Vox into slavery in the first place? And all the events of the previous games are because of some retconned bullshit metaphysical woo conjured up in 'Burial at Sea?' No, fuck you. Fuck Booker, fuck Elizabeth, fuck the multiverse, unlimited destruction against enlightened centrism, Great Person Theory, and this pretentiously smug self-congratulatory woo-ass writing."



    • Hexboare [they/them]
      13 days ago

      And all the events of the previous games are because of some retconned bullshit metaphysical woo conjured up in 'Burial at Sea
