Howdy everyone, hope everyone had a good week. I have been playing XCOM2 again and Civ IV.

  • sneak100 [she/her, they/them]
    10 days ago

    Been playing lots of stuff bc covid shinji-screm

    Playing quite a bit of Spin Rhythm XD on the steam deck. It works amazingly well with the touchpads, the haptics add a lot and it feels more natural to spin the wheel that way then using the joysticks; great way to play. Very fun game, the background visuals are very neat and react to your spins. The biggest downside is that the music is very hit and miss, and that's coming from someone who is quite immune to monstercat flavoured electronic music cringe. There's some cool stuff in there, but then also just as many tracks with female vocals singing about how fuckable they are (thank you once again, cishet men songwriters). Thankfully you can favourite the tracks you like and filter out the rest, but I don't believe it has a custom song mapping community (maybe I'm wrong on that) like an osu or some such.

    Been giving osu!mania a good try over the past few weeks as an alternative to osu!, cos that shit makes my hands hurt. Maybe once I get to a certain level in mania it'll be the same, but for now I'm enjoying it a lot. Even on 4 key mode (it can go up to 10 keys) the rhythms are so much more complex and interesting compared to the 1 key of osu!, and I'm only playing easy and normal levels for now (compared to ins*ne and expert on osu!). I love clacking my keyb, makes me feel like a cool performer. It does make me think about why I'm wasting time learning to play a useless rhythm game over a real instrument...

    Giving Cult of the Lamb another go after not finishing it a while back. Last time I basically wasn't enjoying the combat (pretty normal for me, I usually try to avoid combat in games if possible), so spent lots of time in the village until I got it pretty much fully upgraded and to the point where I wasn't managing crises, but instead just chilling with my commune of cuties. This playthrough is pretty much going the same way, although I'm less terrible at the combat this time (probably because I played a bunch of Hades between now and then), so I've gotten a bit further than where I was last time. Right now I'm just beautifying my village after unlocking most of the decorations, but I think this might be my last thing I do with it. Maybe I'll come back to it now and then and chip through the final couple of combat areas. Overall it's very cute, the art is lovely. The cult parody is kinda skin deep, but I do think it works as a basic breakdown of some of the ways cults exploit people, and the cutesy and funny presentation, helps the hard-to-swallow-pill go down for some perhaps (excited to play Indika at some point for a hopefully more fleshed out take on the topic)

    Also booting up Space Cadet Pinball every now and then after I found it neatly packaged up in my distro's repos. Used to play it a lot as a kid and it's interesting playing it again now. The sound design is fantastic tbh