Every pack of real Pokemon cards comes with a code to redeem a digital pack. I bought like 100 off Reddit or something for pennies each. No idea what the market is like now though sorry
It's PTW in the same way physical cards are ptw. You can buy packs and having more cards is more gooder but there are ways to "earn" cards for free I do not remember if they are fair
Thanks for the explanation! I'm not averse to grinding if I can still enjoy the deck building and have a decent comp. I only own like, 30 physical cards though lol and half of them are free singles left behind at a boardgame place I go to. Not really looking to shell out $$$ for more cardboard
Is the online version any good/fun? I like deckbuilders, but if it's expensive and ptw I'll pass
Every pack of real Pokemon cards comes with a code to redeem a digital pack. I bought like 100 off Reddit or something for pennies each. No idea what the market is like now though sorry
It's PTW in the same way physical cards are ptw. You can buy packs and having more cards is more gooder but there are ways to "earn" cards for free I do not remember if they are fair
Thanks for the explanation! I'm not averse to grinding if I can still enjoy the deck building and have a decent comp. I only own like, 30 physical cards though lol and half of them are free singles left behind at a boardgame place I go to. Not really looking to shell out $$$ for more cardboard
Yeah buying the codes online is the only way i would play it, i have enough MTG lol