maybe-later-honey We need to stop Trump from being elected or he will destroy democracy.

We need to shoot all the Trump supporters.chad-stalin

wojak-nooo Nooooooooo, not like that!

You can, if you stop abstaining or voting third party out of protest. You can’t blame the electoral system for being ineffective if you don’t use it right.

Y’know the old saying about the best and second best times to plant a tree? Sweeping political change takes time. You need progressive candidates to prove themselves on local and state levels.

It’ll take 6 years to replace every governor and congressperson, and based on the landscape I see, at least 5-10 years to promote enough progressives to a position suitable to candidacy. 15-20 years of voting for capable progressives in every race from school board to governor will provide us with a rich crop of experienced candidates.

That does mean voting lesser evil until you can get proven progressives on the ticket. That’s just reality. If you don’t vote for a candidate that wins, you didn’t get even the most meager semblance of representation. Not getting what you want because the voters that disagree with you outnumber the ones that agree is the fundamental principle of democracy. Show up. Vote, for someone who might win.

Republicans planted their tree 50 years ago. Progressives’ best move in the next few elections is show up in droves to big tent blue wave, and then splinter when the Republican party is defunct.


  • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
    7 days ago

    I don't know if I would phrase what they said as demonic, I mean it's blatantly wrong but it's an understandable reaction to being told that X person is an existential threat to basically everyone over and over again ad nauseum. At some point you either start thinking every single person voting for them is just straight up evil or hilariously naive and it's really hard to admit that most people are just that lost in the sauce so it makes sense for some people to (VERY INCORRECTLY of course) assume the first is true