    11 days ago

    This is absolute proof that the US knows China won't invade. If the US thought there was even a slight chance that the invasion would happen, they would have not sent garbage. Especially since they keep calling Taiwan the unsinkable carrier and how important Taiwan is to protect the first island chain. So the only 2 possibilities are that:

    1. It's not actually important to the first island chain (which we know it is, that's why China even cares about it at all).

    2. US has no concern what so ever of China invading.

    So now we know it's absolutely the US trying to start a conflict with China to invade Taiwan. They want this kind of news to leak out so China would be emboldened to attack.

    *Edit: And if anyone says it's about semiconductors, you don't understand how semiconductor manufacturing works. Any violent conflict would pretty much result in a total destruction of the semiconductor factory.

      11 days ago

      There's also third possiblity: US just sell the faulty junk to their vassals for exorbitant prices because US MIC don't give a flying fuck about wheter US or its vassals win the wars, as long as the junk sells.

        11 days ago

        Sadly we know this is not true. Just ask the Palestinians and Russians. Regardless of our opinions, those weapons they sent aren't moldy and absolutely do work.

          10 days ago

          They don't sell only faulty junk, they sell everything they can sell, and also there is a difference between still useful important vassal like Israel and 3rd rate dump like Poland that only ever managed to say "no" to USA twice and one of this times was because antisemitism.