Tire of your life in decline? Is blaming capitalism getting you nowhere? Take control of your fate and grind to the maxxcore with this simple daily productivity routine.

Step 1: Break down your day into three separate days. Day 1 is from 4am to 12pm. Day 2 is from 12pm to 8pm. Day 3 is from 8pm to 4am. Day 1 is for sleeping, meditation, and personal time. Day 2 is for pre-productivity and planning. Day 3 is for maxximum productivity and gym and meditation and bulking.

Everyday is 3 days. You now have three more days than everyone else. You will grow beyond your limits.

But this is only the first step, you haven't even unlocked your true potential yet.

Now take each of those ays and break them down into 8 days each. Your first day is for mediation. Your second day is for light exercise. Your third day is for rest. Your fourth day is for planning. Your fifth day is for grooming. Your sixth day is for strategizing. Your seventh day is for rest. Your eighth day is for cryotheraphy.

You have now lived 8 days in one of three days in one day. Now you will start the first day of your second day. Your first day is for weights, alternate cardio on your fifth third day. Your second day is for fasting. Your third day is for networking. Your fourth day is for cigars. Your fifth day is for prayer. Your sixth day is for family. Your seventh day is for rest. Your eighth day is for planning.

With this you have lived 16 days within two days of one day. But this is not the end, you have eight more days left.

Your first day is for stocks. Your second day is for options. Your third day is for crypto. Your fourth day is for airbnb. Your fifth day is for abstaining from masturbation. Your sixth day is for dropshipping. Your seventh day is for watching motivational tiktoks. Your eight day is for meat-only foods.

Now you have completed 24 days in three days in a day. Your productivity is at a maximum and there is nothing you can't accomplish. Elon Musk is subscribing to your Xfeed. You can afford a really big watch. You wear rayban sunglasses indoors. Everywhere you go you have a sense that somewhere someone is very mad that you're successful and big and maxxed out.

  • forcequit [she/her]
    1 year ago

    4 days in 24 hour time cube higher power I have no bellybutton

  • Parsani [love/loves, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    This is brilliant. I stopped sleeping three years ago, so I already had 2 days per day. But with your technique, I now have two times 24 days in three days in a day. My potential is limitless.

  • The_Grinch [he/him]
    1 year ago

    You're still stuck on daymaxxing? I just had my corpus callosum severed so I have two me's being productive and grinding and while I'm posting this very comment with my right hand I'm making a pasta salad with my left. What's that, capers? Brilliant work lefty. solidarity