• Che's Motorcycle@lemmygrad.ml
    4 days ago

    Finally! An "israeli" airbase has been heavily bombarded. Here's hoping their planes were wiped out. https://t.me/PalestineResist/58415

    • -6-6-6-@lemmygrad.ml
      6 days ago

      "can you name any USA politicans supporting this?"

      I dunno, the ones who don't want to stop sending them billions of dollars and weapons. The fuck?

  • KrupskayaPraxis@lemmygrad.ml
    5 days ago

    At school there was a lesson about the biggest topics of the world today. The teacher was actually pretty reasonable on Ukraine, saying that this happened because NAVO expanded and that Ukraine is going to lose more land if they don't surrender. But he was still talking from a somewhat pro-Ukrainian perspective, since for example he blames Putin for continuing the war. About Palestine, he was actually a bit worse. While he didn't like what Israel was doing, he saw what Palestine to Israel is doing as on the same level. And he didn't think that Israel is planning on taking Gaza, and when I mentioned Israeli politicians fantasizing about them annexing it, he was saying it's only a radical minority. When it came to Taiwan, he didn't mention that both parties see themselves as the real China, but only that Taiwan was part of China for a long time since WWII. This was kinda lacking and didn't really touch on the solution and China's strategy for taking Taiwan, only that he hopes for no escalation and seemed to hold China responsible for a possible escalation.

    And for a speech about global issues, he didn't talk about worker rights and inflation.

  • ShiningWing@lemmygrad.ml
    7 days ago

    I saw someone on reddit complain about linking to a tweet because Twitter is a right-wing shithole, and someone replied "And reddit isn't?"

    But then someone replied to that with "Seriously? Right-wingers don't plague Reddit."

    Ahahahahaha reddit-logo users have negative self awareness

  • Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    7 days ago

    It's always funny seeing people who claim to be anti-Isr**l suddenly fall in line and heap them with praise when they do something "based" like this week's attacks. The truth always comes out

  • Darkerseid@lemmygrad.ml
    6 days ago

    this is a very chilling video. they have english subtitles (it’s from Caravan)


  • Anarcho-Bolshevik@lemmygrad.ml
    6 days ago

    As war grew nearer, the SS were permitted the right to use Army land for war games. Safety practices were not followed with Himmler stating that the SS must be used to “being within 50 to 70 meters of the explosions of his own artillery fire.”⁷² For context, in standard military practice “the method of engagement when the target is (rounds will impact) within 600 meters of friendly troops” is considered “danger[ously] close” which indicates a certain degree of risk for friendly personnel.⁷³

    Himmler noted that it was sad that prime German youth must sadly be cut down in training accidents, but there was a method behind the idea to ignore safety in war games.⁷⁴ This came from an idea that suggested that the pain endured during training would ensure that when war came the Waffen SS would be ready to perform at their highest possible level and save lives in the long run.

    The casualty rates of the SS did not support the notion that the dangerous training methods were effective. Tim Ripley’s analysis of combat on the Eastern Front suggests that some units suffered somewhere “in the region of 75 percent casualty rates.”⁷⁵ These casualty rates are supported by where the SS divisions found themselves in combat. When combat started the Waffen SS commonly found themselves at the tip of the proverbial spear for German assaults.


    Reminds me of Starship Troopers.

  • Darkerseid@lemmygrad.ml
    9 days ago

    the amount of racism towards indians i’m seeing online is just crazy. some chinese nationalists are on a mission


    most of the arguments here are cherry picked, there are also protests supporting palestinian cause, yearly palestinian aid but sure that doesn’t get mentioned

    look at this comment


    • komikat@lemmygrad.ml
      4 days ago

      its sickening and I have no clue why other socialists would alienate the cause of the Indian workers by being outright racist against Indians in general

  • KrupskayaPraxis@lemmygrad.ml
    9 days ago

    Thinking of quitting my job as a postal worker once my contract ends. It puts a lot of strain on my body since I have to do a lot since the routes are all long. I'm getting back into fitness, but realised my body is not getting fitter or stronger from my work but only getting more overloaded and more injury prone. I pulled a knee muscle on my free day because of the overload, at least I hope it's a muscle and not a minor ligament tear which is a possibility as well.

    If only they were still nationalised so profit isn't put first, and more postal workers would be able to work for less hours but better pay.