Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Hongohones@aussie.zone
    1 year ago

    haha. My reddit account was permanently suspended for suggesting someone fuck off and die. I guess that could be considered a threat of violence. I was responding to transphobia in my "I can't be bothered engaging with this incel" way. I don't care that we're supposed to be grown up about engaging with the incels and cis het know it alls who dismiss non binary people as being confused or not worthy of respect. It's fucking reddit and it's a cess pit. People think us gender non confirming folk are an angry bunch, and we are at times. I make no bones about it. I do positive things every day to make my little community a little better, I've earned the right to let off some steam too. Most people just sit around and complain about how shit the world is.

    Anyway, do I get an Aussie Zone achievement patch for my jacket? Thanks

    • Taleya@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Pff no shit you're angry, like 80% of the twats you deal with daily negate your existence. It's rage inducing

      TERFS can go shit and fall back in it

      • Hongohones@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        It's not really that bad, I'd say it's closer to 1% honestly with the people I deal with. Most people hardly notice and are too busy to worry about what I do or what I am. It's just mention the words non-binary on reddit/melbourne and every incel douchebag comes out of their mouldy basement. Terfs are a lot more shrewd, evil and cunning.

          • Hongohones@aussie.zone
            1 year ago

            They also have money and political influence and are prepared to dox people. Oh and the nazi thing, that's there, a little embarrassing for them but they'll never shake it now. I appreciate your shit and fall in it wish for them. Thanks!

    • landsharkkidd@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Nahh I would say the same thing. I'm honestly over trying to be delicate towards farts (because lbr there's nothing radical or feminist about being a transphobe). If y'all think we should die, then right back at you buddy.

    • Nath@aussie.zone
      1 year ago

      Just a friendly reminder that you promised us that you'd be nice and respectful to people when you joined aussie.zone.

      If such an interaction happens here, please report it and let mods/admins deal with it. I'd be more likely to side with you in this example, but it's an example of the sort of discourse that we don't really want here.

      • Hongohones@aussie.zone
        1 year ago

        Yeah no problem. Thanks for reminding me. Luckily there are no transphobes. I'd just leave honestly, but the one time there was one I reported and it was dealt with pretty much immediately. It shouldn't be up to me to police though. Its exhausting enough dealing with it in real life and I feel like I should be able to express my struggles with it here too. Obviously, I will not use the kind of language I used on reddit here. Courteous discourse is why we all love it here.