I know historical hindsight is 20/20, but how did no one bully this guy into giving up his moronic "de-stalinisation" policy? Like the SU was built by Stalin and now suddenly hes satan incarnate? No wonder SU citizens lost faith in the party over time, how can you trust a bunch weather vanes?

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    22 hours ago

    Stalin should have purged the soviet union again in 1950

    looking at the evidence for a purge not catching the guy who turned out to be a problem: what if we tried again and the bad guy was even more in charge of the direction this purge could take? have we considered that maybe soviet purges were not best practices?

    • HelltakerHomosexual [she/her, comrade/them]
      14 hours ago

      nah, purges are a necessary thing. reactionaries and revisionists will always be entering the party, as seen with kruschev and gorbachev, so there must be ways to eliminate them if necessary. I dont think though that they need to be violent, just demotions or firing works plenty fine.

      if Khrushchev's allies were silenced before he could use them, then he wouldn't have been much of a problem anyway.

      • Dolores [love/loves]
        11 hours ago

        I dont think though that they need to be violent

        i'm not criticising the idea of kicking people out of parties, i'm talking about the executions of innocent party members and military officers that was allowed to happen. without a structural change to the forms of party security and discipline, there is no reason to believe the same dysfunctional tool would be successful if applied again.

    • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
      19 hours ago

      Yeah in hindsight the purges have to be regarded as a failure. I personally think that the only way to save the Soviet Union would have been to massively increase political participation, turn the CPSU into a dynamic and constantly growing political organization so you can have a better talent pipeline into top offices, instead of getting stuck with a bunch of old guys for a long time and then Gorbachev.