My brother and I have been working on an indie game, and I want to start trying to market it. I feel gross just thinking about that but it's a necessary evil or no one will ever hear about or play it. Anyway, I want to know how people discover new games because I think that'll help me figure out a marketing strategy.

Do you find them on social media? (Twitter, etc.)

Hear about them from friends?

Games journalist?


  • Deadend [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Search around gamasutra for tips.

    A lot of websites have a contact page - you may also end up tweeting at journos there - but honestly, this probably has to have an answer out there.

    Make a presskit to make it easy to see more -

    Have a Demo/press build and a way to access it.

    You can Do this, the indie game community is pretty nice.

    • PlantsRcool [any]
      4 years ago

      That's a good plan!I'm working on a list of websites/journalist with their contact email or website. We're still working on a demo but yeah I'm going to wait til we have that to contact people. That press kit site is perfect, thanks for sharing it! I've been discouraged at times but the more I learn about it the better; you're right I CAN do this!