I have gotten a job offer that is the caricature of ngo work. It's paid well under the nominal value of my degree, but unlike most other jobs I could do, it's minimally copish, doesn't directly serve imperialism and doesnt leave me with a broken back or trauma. I can live with it, but it will not be "fun" treatlerite living (small or remote flat, holidays I need to be frugal with, not that I am into flying anyway). Having a family is out of the question on that salary if I dont want the kids to be poor. I could probably keep doing that kind of job forever, there is a risk funding for the project being cut for political reasons though, which is pretty uncomfortable. The city is nice, but extremely anti-left "left" liberal, blue city in red state kinda deal, so liberals are entrenched in many spaces.

  • milk_thief [it/its]
    3 hours ago

    also, there's a sweet spot of being someone who has lots of experiences across a range of sectors, and no employer looks down on NGO work, nor do they ask or expect someone to do it for their entire career due to burnout / funding idiosyncrasies. in my experience, leaving a state job or a private for-profit sector role is usually treated as though there's some specific reason behind it, but leaving an NGO people can just say, "it was time" or something super vague and nobody pushes back.

    didnt properly read that. Good point. Sorry, sleep is shit