I have gotten a job offer that is the caricature of ngo work. It's paid well under the nominal value of my degree, but unlike most other jobs I could do, it's minimally copish, doesn't directly serve imperialism and doesnt leave me with a broken back or trauma. I can live with it, but it will not be "fun" treatlerite living (small or remote flat, holidays I need to be frugal with, not that I am into flying anyway). Having a family is out of the question on that salary if I dont want the kids to be poor. I could probably keep doing that kind of job forever, there is a risk funding for the project being cut for political reasons though, which is pretty uncomfortable. The city is nice, but extremely anti-left "left" liberal, blue city in red state kinda deal, so liberals are entrenched in many spaces.

  • milk_thief [it/its]
    2 hours ago

    no, I definitely get that. Your hate for academia is defs seen and shared. I would treat the phd as a three year working holiday. I finish medical transition (which anglosaKKK$$on world mostly does better than my hitlerite shit fuck of an excuse of a country), settle romantically and write myself bloody while sending out feelers for actual work, meanwhile I try to see where I can build my life. I have little family and not many old acquaintances worth keeping. I dont want to hear how dumb jokes about not having israel colors at board games is antisemitic, Barney. That said, I see little reason I couldnt do it at this job either.