

  • huf [he/him]
    1 day ago

    naturally occurring affordable housing

    what, it just grows out of the ground after a good rain?

      • huf [he/him]
        1 day ago

        ah yes, nature abhors a vacuum. so the best way to get affordable housing is to raise the rents on the already existing houses sky high, so affordable housing manifests out of vacuum. got it.

          1 day ago

          I call it the Affordable Vacuum Plan. Everyone who gets evicted gets a free BOSCH car-vacuum cleaner. Sponsored by Bosch.

    • SadArtemis [she/her]
      1 day ago

      Exactly that, actually. Time after time, the landlords and other rentiers become too intolerable to bear, and the people water and fertilize the soil with their blood.

      Sadly, the cycle has been held up/constipated for a while. We have to restore things back to the natural order.