Unfortunately this person was also featured on the "It's Not Just In Your Head" podcast which basically retroactively ruined my excitement to listen to it, aaaaaagh.

Here's a particularly craven attempt to avoid having to not be racist:

We didn’t get that job or cannot pay our rent or our relationship ended because of the omnipotent gaze and high damage-reduction of the chimeric monster Oppression, and as well as all its summoned minions. Of course, in our everyday fantasies, those minions are everyone not in our party, the global majority of “non-player” characters with evil alignments who enact, uphold, and reproduce the will of Oppression in every social interaction. They can cast “micro-agression” at will and have the inherent feat “privilege” at character creation, which grants them an automatic advantage in all interactions. They can be of any class, but can easily be detected without recourse to magical means, only surface observation. We are always the heroes, of course, which also means always the victims. We cannot ever truly win, but it’s not clear to me we ever really want to. We need the game to go on, because if it ever ends we might have to confront the terrifying existence of the world outside our minds. That world cares nothing for what we think of it, nor for our human fantasies. The trees and birds exist for-themselves and of-themselves, communicating in languages completely foreign to our constellations of meaning. There are actual bats, it turns out, and actual clouds, and they aren’t human and don’t care what we call them. Most terrifying of all, if they have an enemy it is us, the ridiculous destructive things we do to forests, to the atmosphere, to the oceans, to the soil, to all those places outside our social fantasies of progress, growth without limits, and life without suffering or pain.

"just worry about economics bro" type weirdo:

“Everything is political” we cry now, and we act as if that’s something positive. Others who have not politicized their everyday lives, whose heads are not full of the suffocating neurosis of “woke” politicization are “showing their privilege” when they go about their lives without obsessing over questions of whom their daily activities might be harming. How could they not be out in the streets every day? How can they just sit with their families at dinner talking about how their day went instead of the latest political oppression? How could they not know the stats and figures of the carceral state, or trans suicides, or unreportedremoveds? How could they possibly just live their lives without thinking about the oppressive gender binary, or unequal power relations, or decolonizing their relationships, or fighting cis-hetero-patriarchal-monogamy? They must be privileged, which is to say they are the mundanes. They’re not playing the game, they don’t see the invisible world against which the true heroes constantly struggle. And of course, they must probably benefit somehow. They were given one set of genitals rather than another and that didn’t even feel oppressive to them. They have less melanin in their skin and don’t recognize how this makes them inherently oppressive to others. Their minds can focus on one thing for more than a few minutes yet never admit the world favors them over others for such attention. They weren’t born as bats or fae or clouds in human bodies, but rather as humans in human bodies: they must have made some contract with the devil for this arrangement.

And of course the ever-present lore drop that they've been surpressing trans feelings since childhood so We Should Too apparently:

If it seems like I’m making light of all this, that I’m laughing at all this absurdity, you should know I am. But I am most of all laughing at myself, because I played this game too. Blaming unseen forces, -ism after -ism, for all that went poorly in my life, for all the happiness I never seemed to find. I, like so many others, wrote myself into an epic fantasy war, but also wrote myself out of my own life and my own agency. I’m willing to bet I grew up poorer than almost anyone who will ever read this, and possibly attempted suicide as a teenager more often than most of my audience. I never talk about this out of fear of backlash, but for years of my life I thought I was born in the wrong body. I hated my maleness, wanted desperately to have been born a woman, thought seriously and always secretly of transitioning up until my mid-20’s. And I, like many, self-diagnosed as autistic and ADHD and whatever other explanation I could find on the internet to justify why my life just seemed to be shittier than everyone else’s, why my struggles were somehow different from those around me, and most of all why happiness was always an elusive, unreachable dream. This all became my identity, my character class, my epic fated destiny that made me special and unique and heroic in a world of unseen monsters—all because I could not bear the intolerable indifference of the Real. It’s ironic perhaps, but what broke this neurotic (and let’s be honest, narcissistic) mythic fantasy were encounters with the actual mythic, by which I also mean the Real. Walks in forests, days camping by oceans and glacial rivers, watching elk and ravens and millennia-old trees just exist for-themselves in quiet, unquestioned relation to others who are also existing just for-themselves. Mountains higher than the tallest imagining of humans can easily crush all our fantasies, seas vaster than all the wars humans have ever fought can deftly drown out our delusions of self-importance.

This might seem like I'm playing into their narrative by posting this for validation. And I am, maybe. But maybe that's because I don't care. MAYBE we should be demanding special treatment and validation more. Maybe Druid Materialist here got so focused on the divine Real that they let it crush their own dignity and their respect for the dignity of others. Fucker.

Notable links in this essay: Video/ How Validation Ruined Your Life: Narcissism and Social Justice, by Angie Speaks I highly recommend this. Angie has utterly outdone her usual brilliance with this long video. About one hour long and worth every second of your attention.

Oh my god how do these pick-mes who appeal to Normalcy and Humility constantly popping out of the woodwork? I WILL NEVER BE HUMBLE! Ok maybe I will be humble in the face of the all powerful forces of nature but also I don't think people are asking for neopronouns to be honored and stuff because they're afraid of those forces or the "Real", like obviously these people just relate to these things a lot because of all number of reasons and it's easier to use neopronouns than explain their entire gender fuckery nexus using a drawn out adjective filled analogy paragraph.

Also the self-own at the beginning, bro can't handle the batussy

  • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
    3 days ago

    THAT WAS MY EXACT THOUGHTS, its such an incoherent viewpoint. Distilled cognitive dissonance

    I think its part of a greater cracker brainworm where they (the brainworm holders) ee something "more grand" than themselves and assume that that must retroactively affect their own worth and importance. Like, no, seeing a big mountain doesn't make me stop caring about my "fantasies" or the VERY REAL STRUGGLES OF MY LIFE, because those struggles and thoughts and beliefs and fantasies exist as part of my social context and are in fact literally more important to me than the mountain, if the only relevance it has to me is just how cool and important it looks. And this isn't a narcisstic mindset, either. My social context includes all of the people I care about as well as the ideas I care about, and if looking at a normal mountain shattered my beliefs and investment in all my relationships I'd assume my convictions of those things were pretty weak to begin with.