Pic related is what r/neoliberal thinks about you and everyone else who supported Bernie. Reminder that neither Biden nor his supporters want your vote, your solidarity, or anything else from you, and they never will. They don't respect you, they don't want to work with you, and you aren't going to move them left.

If you still resignedly vote Biden for them because they've successfully guilt tripped you about hArM rEdUcTiOn and tHe MoSt PrOgReSsIvE pLaTfOrM iN hIsToRy, you deserve the betrayal and sidelining you're on course to receive from the Democratic Party under the Biden administration. Menaker Pledge 4 lyfe

  • elguwopismo [he/him]
    4 years ago

    These are the people who constantly complained about being broke during college, whilst attending 7 festivals and multiple vacations, having nice stuff, and eating decent food most of the time. It really is bizarre hearing those people complain about being broke after you spent the last months eating the cheapest shittiest food, working on top of full class loads, riding the bus for hours everyday often at stupid late hours because of work, and still not being able to get anything of mild luxury, except weed of course. I honestly had a blast at college despite being genuinely broke and jaded and surrounded by such petty bourgeois ridiculousness, but these people don't fucking understand reality