Pic related is what r/neoliberal thinks about you and everyone else who supported Bernie. Reminder that neither Biden nor his supporters want your vote, your solidarity, or anything else from you, and they never will. They don't respect you, they don't want to work with you, and you aren't going to move them left.

If you still resignedly vote Biden for them because they've successfully guilt tripped you about hArM rEdUcTiOn and tHe MoSt PrOgReSsIvE pLaTfOrM iN hIsToRy, you deserve the betrayal and sidelining you're on course to receive from the Democratic Party under the Biden administration. Menaker Pledge 4 lyfe

  • GreyBear [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I guarantee that 90%+ of dorks in r/neoliberal got their collage paid for by their parents. Then they turn around and chastise others for wanting "free stuff". Actually pisses me off man

    • elguwopismo [he/him]
      4 years ago

      These are the people who constantly complained about being broke during college, whilst attending 7 festivals and multiple vacations, having nice stuff, and eating decent food most of the time. It really is bizarre hearing those people complain about being broke after you spent the last months eating the cheapest shittiest food, working on top of full class loads, riding the bus for hours everyday often at stupid late hours because of work, and still not being able to get anything of mild luxury, except weed of course. I honestly had a blast at college despite being genuinely broke and jaded and surrounded by such petty bourgeois ridiculousness, but these people don't fucking understand reality

    • SuperRed [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      You're describing most people that I work with. Most of these fucks got their job by nepotism. These fucks can't even clean after themselves they go and grab a janitor when they spill anything.

  • cum_drinker69 [any]
    4 years ago

    Imagine citing median voter theorem when Trump is literally fucking president lolololololol.

    Every neolib theory they believe makes them smart are like two degrees away from a Chris Cilizza hypothesis about this being the "ham sandwich election" or some other ridiculous nonsense.

  • peepeepants_mcgee [any]
    4 years ago

    my dude trump got my grandfather killed, this aint about biden this is about hating that fucking shithead

    • lettuceLove [he/him,they/them]
      4 years ago

      yup. and the environment, and murdered children, and a bunch of other stuff that biden will be less evil at. i personally can’t wait to be fighting joe biden instead of american hitler.

        • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
          4 years ago

          Any kind of investment in energy would be a big improvement over removing coal plant emission regulations. Even just letting California set their own emission standards instead of fighting them in court would make a nationwide difference

          California passed legislation to pass ICE cars by 2035 like last week. I guarantee Republicans will try to dispute that in court.

        • lettuceLove [he/him,they/them]
          4 years ago

          well what’s the alternative? i voted for bernie in the primary because i wanted him to be in charge, but now he’s saying vote biden, and i feel like i have no choice. i don’t like biden or kamala harris, and the fine folks of the south bay know why. but you know who i hate even more? yes, this is a shit show choose your poison scenario, but with biden at least some progress might eke through. with trump and the gop establishment i don’t see anything happening but more death, murders, open racism, environmental catastrophe, etc etc et fucking cetera. i hate all this shit, but i’m terrified of more of trump’s america. 4-8 years of biden scares me a whole hell of a lot less than 4-forever more years of straight up neo-nazis in charge. really, i mean for real nazis run the whole show now, and that makes me want to jump off a bridge. so instead of that, i’m gonna vote for biden and be mad at him instead of waiting to die under trump. yeah biden and harris are shits, but trump wants to shoot me, it sucks

      • peepeepants_mcgee [any]
        4 years ago

        Trump aint Hitler, Hitler was competent. Worst case scenario under Trump aint WWIII, it's The American Troubles/An American Jarkata Method

        • cum_drinker69 [any]
          4 years ago

          Hitler was not competent, Jesus Christ. Every fascist leader ever was just as stupid, narcissistic, short sighted, etc. as Trump. There's no such thing as "competent fascism", this is a Nazi myth you are perpetuating.

          • peepeepants_mcgee [any]
            4 years ago

            Hitler got the entire german left killed, muzzled, or sent into exile and had the entire German establishment fall in line behind him. He was objectively better at fascism than Trump is

            • cum_drinker69 [any]
              4 years ago

              Wild oversimplification of history. The SPD had way more to do with the fate of the left in Germany. The Spartacus uprising happened before the Nazi party was even formed.

              • peepeepants_mcgee [any]
                4 years ago

                The KPD literally said "after hitler our turn" and didn't do shit to stop him m8

            • closetedtranstankie [she/her]
              4 years ago

              Hitler was charismatic and an effective leader from a logical unemotional standpoint. He was, however, absolutely trash in terms of military strategy.

              • peepeepants_mcgee [any]
                4 years ago

                Yeah no shit, he lost. He absolutely pwned the entire weimar government and played em all like a fiddle tho

                Fascists can't win wars, but they can take over weak democracies

        • lettuceLove [he/him,they/them]
          4 years ago

          i believe what we’ll have will be incomparable to any singular historical reference. and i’ll stand by the hitler comparison just because i can’t think of anyone else he remove me of more. maybe stalin?

  • taelor [any]
    4 years ago

    I’m not voting for Biden, but I finally caved and started lying to all my family and friends by saying that I would. They think this election matters. They think civilization an democracy depends on it. I know it doesn’t, so rather than have endless, fruitless arguments about how if I’m not voting for Biden then I’m voting for Trump, I just took the path of least resistance. They don’t need to know the truth—we’re all happier if they don’t. I love them, but every goddamn one of them is a lib and—particularly with my 80+ year old parents—I just want to have a peaceful relationship with them for whatever time is left. I used to think my parents would not live to see the worst of the impending collapse, but now I’m not so sure. If I don’t give a shit about this election and they do, what’s the harm in making them happy?

    • GVAGUY3 [he/him]
      4 years ago

      This might work best. Just tell them what they want to hear.

  • shitshow [any]
    4 years ago

    Biden is our enemy and always has been. He wants to continue the system that oppresses you, he's made several contributions to it already. I don't tell people how to vote, but don't think for a moment he has your interests at heart even marginally.

  • captcha [any]
    4 years ago

    Electoral politics are the lowest form of politics. I assume everyone here understands that. You should be looking to other strategies to influence politics and ask yourself "under which president would that strategy be easier?". That should be your primary metric. All these other arguments are either purely emotional or predicated on the idea that electoralism is still viable.

    PS: this is only relevant for voters in swing states. Otherwise vote green or psl or whatever.

      • Steve2 [any]
        4 years ago

        Or, since they keep insisting the Supreme Court is on the ballot, write in Merrick Garland.

  • closetedtranstankie [she/her]
    4 years ago

    The Democrats are alienating the left and sucking the right-winger and centrist dicks, without realizing that so many young people are leftists.

  • cracksmoke2020 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I mean, the majority of Bernie supporters want social democracy as their main thing and second to that they want to live in a country where the theocrats inside the Republican party are entirely sidelined. Essentially, they just want a democratic party that actually does something rather than being total chicken shit.

    Voting Biden to get rid of Trump absolutely fits into that broader framework of being a junior partner in a coalition government. I'm far more skeptical of what the new peoples party folks or the green party will ever be able to accomplish for social democracy and pushing out republicans than the current approach. This forum is certainly farther to the left than the median Bernie supporter.

    Also I highly suspect Bernie would've moved to the center had he won the nomination. The median voter is a lot of different things. Namely, he would've moved to the right on immigration, policing, probably would've taken on some more friendly views around guns and any number of culture war type issues. Bernie's path to victory was not by growing margins in the suburbs like it has been for Biden, it was winning back the small industrial towns that had long been democratic but voted for Trump.

  • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Sanders will have a larger role if Democrats win the Senate and remove the filibuster. No one has to give him power, he'll be the Chairman of the budget committee and will be a high ranking member of a few others. I don't expect Biden to move left in any way but I think legislation about abortion and voting rights can totally pass

    I'm not in a swing state so I voted for PSL

  • Khoryphos [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Hilldog was up by the same amount around this time. Watch Biden get rod rammed by the Electoral College in PA, WI, or MI. If he doesn't win in all of those states he fucking loses.