cross-posted from:

Some communities there are literally calling for the annihilation of Ukraine

*removed externally hosted image*

edit: Since people are either willfully or otherwose are missing my point, this is a pro-russia, pro-fascist hate group, therefore we shouldn't give them the platform to spread their shit. this is not about me seeing their community or then causing issues accross other communities, it's about de-platforming fascists.

The link for the original doesn't seem to work. I assume there's some missing context here. Still funny that they're calling hexbear pro-Russia and fascist. The comment isn't even by a hexbear. It's by one of ours.

  • Trudge [Comrade]
    11 months ago

    Do chuds really think that we love liberal Russia that was built on top of the corpse of the Soviet Union? Built by the Chicago School and cooperative robber-barons?

    We keep repeating that we hate Nazis and western imperialism, and this is something we have been collectively saying for close to a hundred years. They still don't get it.

      11 months ago

      Like the old r/genzedong meme had it --

      Lib says "I don't like post-Soviet Russia." Communist says: "Oh yeah? Then why the hell did you ask for it?"