cross-posted from:

Some communities there are literally calling for the annihilation of Ukraine

*removed externally hosted image*

edit: Since people are either willfully or otherwose are missing my point, this is a pro-russia, pro-fascist hate group, therefore we shouldn't give them the platform to spread their shit. this is not about me seeing their community or then causing issues accross other communities, it's about de-platforming fascists.

The link for the original doesn't seem to work. I assume there's some missing context here. Still funny that they're calling hexbear pro-Russia and fascist. The comment isn't even by a hexbear. It's by one of ours.

    11 months ago

    I don't know what's worse in that thread, the person who thinks we're fascists because we support Russia, or the person who thinks Russia is moving back towards communism (socialism)

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      11 months ago

      To be fair, those have been somewhat common liberal takes regarding the war.

      They think any use of "authoritarianism" is inherently Fascist, so the USSR and its supporters are Fascists. And if Russia is, supposedly, returning to being an authoritarian regime and expanding its borders, it must be returning to the USSR.

      it's such an uneducated take, and makes me furious at our schooling systems.

        11 months ago

        You'd think it was just western schooling, but nope. I've heard the whole "Putin is building USSR 2.0" from people in Russia. From adult people. Adult people who had actually lived in USSR. In a negative key. Yeah

          11 months ago

          I’ve heard the whole “Putin is building USSR 2.0” from people in Russia.

          I would love to live in the world that libs think they inhabit.

          11 months ago

          TBF they could be referring to the fact that the Ukrainian conflict is slowly but actively weakening imperialism globally, which lays the groundwork for the USSR's return. They probably don't mean this when they say Putin's building USSR 2.0—why would they say Putin is doing it—but I like to be optimistic.

            11 months ago

            TBF they could be referring to the fact that the Ukrainian conflict is slowly but actively weakening imperialism globally, which lays the groundwork for the USSR’s return

            I like your optimism. No. That's not even close to what is usually meant.

            11 months ago

            I think it would be funny if Russia, under Putin or someone else, just stumbled into USSR 2.0. That they get there not because they meant to, but because they started to adopt some of the practical things China's doing with development and the economy, and they one day find themselves back in the USSR.

            It would certainly be a historic coinkydink.

  • iridaniotter [she/her, they/them]
    11 months ago

    Ukraine should not be destroyed, and should exist as a union republic within a union of soviet socialist republics.


  • sharedburdens [she/her, comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    Person proudly proclaiming that they prefer an all feed with exploding heads

    I need to be careful which links I click, this one almost blew up my hitler-detector

        11 months ago

        You can see the comment right here: The person above me refers to the military action and my reply was about the military action

    • Catradora-Stalinism☭
      11 months ago

      idk feels like the same "government not the people" thing we decry libs for. I know you actually mean what you mean, but that kind of description isn't fitting to our goals and libs will jump to take it out of context.

        11 months ago

        I was joking when I used that terminology because of that but rather I just wanted to specify that I don’t want Ukrainian genocide. Quite frankly, I don’t think we should have to worry about being taken out of context inside of leftists spaces. No one within Hexbear or Lemmygrad expressed any issue with my comment on its own. Maybe it’s not the best thing to say but I was (and still am) angry about people defending Ukraine and Zelensky. You are right that I should be more specific about what I mean. I don’t think I was wrong in what I said on its own but I don’t want to cause Hexbear any problems

          11 months ago

          You aren't causing hexbears any problems, smooth brain libs are looking for a reason to cry to their admins. You got caught in the fire. If they don't defederate it will be some other fake contravorsey they'll come up with next week.

          Though it is tough to know when someone is targeting people, or governments. I guess I always lean on longer posts myself. Just in case.

          • o_d [he/him]
            11 months ago

            This was my take as well. If this was in one of the programming communities then I can see the need to ensure that we word our comments in a way in which they cannot be taken out of context. But this was on hexbear which is a safe space for us to talk without having to worry about that.

          11 months ago

          As a long time hexbear user, you're causing no issues. Our resident anarchist (as in one of the more active ones) just got us to defederate from blahaj because their 196 comm has a "Fuck Tankies" banner and they hopped in and dragged the mod there about it until the mod threw a temper tantrum and removed their comments.

          What you said is pretty tame compared to usual posting there lol

  • Trudge [Comrade]
    11 months ago

    Do chuds really think that we love liberal Russia that was built on top of the corpse of the Soviet Union? Built by the Chicago School and cooperative robber-barons?

    We keep repeating that we hate Nazis and western imperialism, and this is something we have been collectively saying for close to a hundred years. They still don't get it.

      11 months ago

      Like the old r/genzedong meme had it --

      Lib says "I don't like post-Soviet Russia." Communist says: "Oh yeah? Then why the hell did you ask for it?"

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    11 months ago

    classic liberal "It doesn't comprise the views provided to me by my preferred propaganda source, therefore it must be the opposite of what I see myself being, and is thus Fascism" take there.

    And if they cared to read the thread, comrades explained positions and provided sources. They'd've seen that Ukraine is a Fascist state, and to defend it is ultimately a pro-Fascist stance.

    edit:: I went and read the thread from the post, and my god i haven't seen horseshoe theory that strong in a very long time. Seems like people over there think anyone who isn't them is a Fascist.

  • Zoift [he/him]
    11 months ago has sent us a silly post. lenin-laugh

    11 months ago

    If they start answering “How do I control an ESCPOS receipt printer through Javascript?” with “Nuke Kyiv”, then maybe do so [defederate].

    New response just dropped.

    11 months ago

    There's a lot to be said in favour of federation, and the innate us-them mentality that comes with the federate-defederate border control is a thing. It looks and seems like a downside, but it's far and away better than the centralized lib authority we had in places like reddit.

    Just sharing a thought that reading this thread prompted.

    • o_d [he/him]
      11 months ago

      It's just sad that many of the instance owners (world, beehaw, shitjustworks) are just as reactionary as the capital owners at the head of Reddit.

    11 months ago

    "It's by one of ours."

    Proud of us. Good job, guys. Keep up the good work. Alright, time for some pancakes. Hexbear is invited despite allegations of stolen posting valor.