• ReadFanon [any, any]
    11 months ago



    You don't know shit about my political opinions

    Also you:

    Stop putting words in my mouth you little shit, you KNOW I don't think that

    Remarkable how you apply a completely different standard of behaviour to others than you do to yourself. The person you replied to literally has an anarchist flag in their profile picture and, if you wanted to, you'd be able to confirm that they're an anarchist based on their comment history. Or you could have just asked. Heck, you could have even told them straight up that you're skeptical of their political orientation and you'd probably get a straight answer out of them in response.

    I wonder what an anarchist would have to say about a person who egregiously and wilfully applies double standards? They probably wouldn't care. It's not like it's a big deal to anarchists to avoid the imposing of unjust hierarchies in the attempt to coerce others into silence and/or being banned via guilt-by-association. It's probably completely fine.