• Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]
    8 hours ago

    Holy fucking shit, is this what non-israeli zionists are thinking? This interview is one of the more ghoulish I've read. Also, I can't believe how much contradictory shit this guy holds in his head at once! "We need to wipe out Hamas" he says, while at the same time believing that doing so is impossible. "If Israel is doing war crimes they should be prosecuted" he says, while also saying that Gaza deserves everything that is happening to it. "Writing a story about dead children means every comma is heavily scrutinized" he says (of the story he wrote about dead Ukrainian children), while his main point seems to be that Western media are running too many stories about dead (Palestinian) children. He seems to understand that most pro-Palestinian activists are acting against Israel, not against Jews, and yet, because he, as a Jew, feels strong ties to Israel, anti-Israel sentiment is warped in his mind into anti-Jew sentiment. Even though he seems to understand, rationally, that that's not really true, it feels true to him, so it somehow becomes true.

    In a just world this guy would be thrown in a pit, or, at the very least, heavily re-educated. He sure as shit wouldn't be writing books and getting interviews with the paper of record. Sure, the interviewer pushed him and clearly it was an adversarial interview, but holy shit it shouldn't exist at all. This guy's brainworms don't need to be on display like this, they need to be eradicated.