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  • Darthsenio_Mall [he/him]
    4 years ago

    There's a subreddit called I think hardwareswap. I haven't used it personally but I have a friend who swears by it, having built his setup really cheap by stalking it a few months. I've seen some really great deals on there, especially on graphics cards. A few weeks ago I saw someone sell a week old gtx 2070 for like $200 off simply because they'd bought it just in case they couldn't get the 2080 on the day it was released. My build is from 2012 so I have a little bit of time before I start really feeling its age, but I'm fully planning on buying all used when that time comes.

    I would say save for a 120hz+ 1440 monitor. there are a lot of companies but only maybe two (?) actual manufacturers of the panels themselves. Everyone just puts their own housing/branding on them. AOC ( :AyyyyyOC-big: ) is a great lesser known brand. Buying used or refurbished is always an option worth considering, especially from a place like newegg with easy returns. You can also do slightly sketch things like saying whatever part you've gotten has a cosmetic defect but it's for a gift so you don't have time to send it back, but ask if there's anything they can do. Can get $20 or so off easier than you might think.

    As for a microphone, look at the Modmic. it's a really nice sounding microphone that you attach to your headphones with a little tiny magnet mount.

    Lastly don't waste time feeling bad about torrenting games. If it's some tiny indy developer and you feel like your enjoyment of their niche art is worth your financial support then by all means pay up, otherwise who cares.

    Edit: sell all your old shit on ebay 100%