Cw: y'all pretty much know by this point that I view god as an inevterate enemy who must be destroyed, i hate tableknockers, i hate wizards, i hate false truthsayers and all that shit. I'm not any nicer to religion or magicians in this rant than I am anywhere else.

Note: this is very much a rant. I'm trying to work through what the fuck is wrong with Democrats and how we keep ending up at the same point but worse every four years, why they can't acknowledge what's happening, why they can't learn or grow, and why they cannot take effective political action, ever, unless it's something evil;

In this election, and pretty much every election in my lifetime, voting has been a means of reinforcing group identity and asserting what you believe and what you value.

It's a magical ritual of personal and national renewal that re-connects you to the Good People and the magical true America.

When the libs are saying, pleading, threatening, shitting themselves that you must vote for genocide they're making a profound ideological statement. A spiritual statement. They're stating what they believe to be the will of a divine figure. Democracy, which they view as a divine process or divine figure, demands the sacrifice of two million people. To be a Good Person you must join in the ritual slaughter of those people. You must hold the knife and you must believe that you are doing the Right Thing as you plunge it in to the chest of the sacrificial victim.

That is what Democracy demands. That is what Democracy must be given. That is what you must do to be a Good Person and be On The Right Side of History.

There's no material politics here. Democrats aren't a political party. They're a cult of the American Civic Religion. This is their key festival where they renew the strength of their god through a collective act of asserting their group membership and belief.

The ballot is a sacrificial item. The Democrats make marks on their ballot to sanctify the candidates, to unveil and confirm their holiness. They do this to make their candidates Good People who will enact the proper rights and forms to uphold Democracy and stave off the end of the world for another four years.

None of this is about paper ballots or polling places or policy or material politics. When Libs are shitting themselves screaming or begging that you need to vote what they're saying is that you need to participate in the sacrifice. You need to hold the knife. You need to spill the blood so Democracy will be able to hold off the end of the world for another four years. You need to accept that for Democracy to receive the divine strength and power it requires then any sacrifice it demands must be given, any number of people must be butchered.

This is basal fascism, moderated by American liberal cosmology. The nation must be reknewed through the ritual destruction of a minority group that unites the volk. The killing will re-invigorate the nation and make it unified and spiritually strong. Every hand must touch the knife so that all members of the volk will be magically linked together.

Even they know it's not about policy or law anymore.

Voting for their spiritual leader, their divine figure that embodies and represents Democracy, is not a political action as we'd understand it but a statement of faith and a magical action that re-connects them to their nation and their god.

This is why they won't act. This is why they won't organize. This is why all of ther political actions have the form of religious processions - they get their T-shirts and signs, they go to the sacred protesting space, they make the correct speeches, and then they go home full of joy that they have performed the correct ritual to bring about Democracy.

As long as they continue to adhere to this cult and this magical fascistic belief system they have no revolutionary potential. They have no value as allies. They will always fight, violently, to bring any uprising or political action or disruption back in to the framework of their religious festivals and magical rituals. They will always fight against heretics and blasphemers that they believe upset or threaten the cosmic magical cycle of re-birth and renewal of Democracy.

This is not a metaphor. Democrats are a theofascist religious movement. They have a veneer of liberal secularism but that only barely conceals the religious nature of their beliefs and the magical purpose of their actions.

Refusal to participate in their cult rituals and submit to the will of their divine Democracy is a completely separate matter from actually completing and submitting a ballot in the real, material world. Dems don't give a shit about the political process. They don't believe in it anymore, if they ever did.

These arguments with them, it's not about policy or realpolitik. It's trying to break through their religious delusion and engage with them on material terms and thats why it mostly completely fails. They do not live in or experience consensus reality.

I don't even know where I'm going with this, except that this goes far beyond electoralism in material reality for Dems. As a matter of political outcomes in material reality voting is largely purposeless. Public opinion does not influence government policy. The us political system is not meaningfully democratic.

But for religiously active Democrats, especially the dedicated fanatics, electoral politics and specifically the ritual act of voting is the center of the moral and magical universe. It is the key magical act that staves off the destruction of the world every four years.

That's how we can be trapped in this absurd contradiction. Voting doesn't matter because it won't change policy, but voting is the most critical thing in American politics because if we cannot break Democrats free from their religious delusion we cannot trust them to organize, we cannot educate them, we cannot make them act effectively and strategically in material reality. If they're ever going to be useful, or even just stop being actively harmful, their religious delusion of politics as magical ritual must be broken. To do that their faith in voting, their religious faith in voting as a magical ritual of spiritual renewal of the nation, must be attacked and broken.

We must kill their god or we're all utterly fucked.

But that's why these arguments with them always turn circular. They're not asking for participation in Democrat mass politics to bring about specific policy. They're demanding participation in the ritual act. They're demanding we perform our ritual role within the American Civic Religion. We hear a demand for political action, but that's not what they're asking. That's not the language they speak. They're not materialists. Their world is a phantasmagoria of ghosts and demons and vast cosmic spiritual forces. The Democrats cannot fail, only be failed, because the Democrats are high priests and wizards tasked with enacting the will of God as part of a manichean struggle against cosmic evil. If the Democrats, who are holy and have been annointed through the holy process of democracy, fail it is because the people, the nation, has sinned, are unclean, are ritually impure, did not take the proper actions to convey spiritual power to the priestly class.

That's why they blame us and not Hilldawg, Obama, Biden, Harris. Their leaders failed because we withheld the spiritual power they needed to enact the will of god. We sinned against Democracy, we blasphemed, we were impure, and as a result Democracy was not able to perform its spiritual role and properly hold back the end of the world. We, not as actual people who exist in a material world, but as a hated class of blasphemers and evil magicians, corrupted the rituals and our taint sickened the spirt of the nation and the great god Democracy, thus all evils are our fault, or the fault of minorities, or whoever else they perceive as being outside their religion of Good People.

That's why reality never matters. It doesn't matter that Nader wasn't a spoiler in 2000, or that the GOP interfered in the elections, or that whether Bush won or not the scotus handed him the presidency in a judicial coup. What mattered is Nader, and the Green party as a demon of spiritual disease and impurity, sickened the nation, the volk, and rendered the rituals of the Good People impotent and powerless. Gore didn't lose because he was a boring loser who ran a bad campaign, he lost because Greens pissed in the holy water and shat on the offering table.

Likewise, it doesn't matter, it never matters, that Obama refused to wield power and enact policy. Obama was annointed. The seal of holiness was on him. Whatever he did, not matter how frustrating, was the Divine Will.

Hilldawg? She's a world historical event. Light itself! One of their high priestesses, an old woman dying of cancer, flat out refused to take pragmatic political action and resign because she believed holy Democracy wanted her to pass her Priestly role to Hillary, who would in turn bequeath it on another holy person. There was no question that Hillary, one of the most deeply loathed politicians in America, the butcher of Libya, an incredibly polarizing figure on the best of days, might lose. Hillary was annointed. This was the will of Democracy.

And when she ate shit against an actual carnival barker and reality tv clown it was again blamed on outsiders spiritually contaminating the nation, interupting the ritual, pissing in the holy water. Bernie Bros who hated the Good People did it. Russia whispered magic spells in the ears of Good People and twisted them against Light Herself.

It doesn't matter that a material analysis shows these things are not true, that Bernie supports voted for Hillary more reliably than Obama supporters did (or vice verse? I can't remember it's been so long.) Or that Russia's paltry campaign advertisement spending had no effect on America's already staggeringly racist, hateful, right wing electorate. The process is magical, so the causes of the failure must be magical.

We saw the same thing four years ago with brandon when everyone did actually hold their nose and vote for the lesser evil and vote for trump. We're seeing the same thing where opposition to Harris is not being attributed to material realities like actual fucking genocide but to the impeity and impurity of bad people. Misogyny, misogynoir, childishness, ignorance, foolishness, stubborness. Anything, anything, but acknowledging that being berated to vote for genocide, to put your signature on it, is demoralizing, alienating, that it's horrifying to be asked to do that and horrifying to see the fervour in the eyes of the people making the demand. They cannot see their actions as the horrific actions of fascist murderers because they are Good People. They are the ones who understand the will of god, who perform the correct rituals, who reliably and joyfully grant their spiritual power to Democracy. We can "push her left" or "hold her accountable" at some vague point in the future. After tjhe election. After she has been filled with divine power and completed her ascendence from the role of candidate to the holy role of President. After her magical role is complete, after the ritual is complete, it will be possible to criticize her without polluting her spiritual power, polluting the power of the nation, robbing Democracy of the pure and holy power it requires to push back the end of the world.

Idk I'm just fucking ranting at this point. I want to believe something other than that they're all completely fucking evil and either sadists or cowards.

  • context [fae/faer, fae/faer]
    20 hours ago

    Dems don't give a shit about the political process. They don't believe in it anymore, if they ever did.

    for liberals political power flows from the ballot box, so any faith is entirely misplaced. having misidentified the causal mechanism of political change, their only option is to become the cult you describe, engaging in empty rituals with the intent of effecting political change but without any real ability to do so. liberal electoralism based on this faulty premise becomes as useless as liberal economics and its rejection of the labor theory of value. what's left but table-turning?

    the organized state violence they so readily and happily inflict on others therefore cannot be regarded as "political" violence upholding their status quo, but rather the inevitable and just punishments decreed ultimately by the victims' own unwillingness to align their behaviors with the demands of mammon.

    more as i continue reading