But have you considered that the economy is doing great?
Surely the incumbent party won't get bit by this at the polls
Anecdotally my org is set to give nearly 30% more food in 2024 than last year
But have you considered that the economy is doing great?
Surely the incumbent party won't get bit by this at the polls
Anecdotally my org is set to give nearly 30% more food in 2024 than last year
but are the grapes of wrath growing ripe for the vintage?
Folks, the grapes of wrath. You know Steinbeck? They're growing so ripe under Biden. Under me they weren't growing at all they were like those fake grapes you get for photoshoots. You know the ones? And they look so great but you bite into one, and then it's rubber! We had the greatest looking grapes, and they were fake because everyone was happy. Believe me we did have them.
With Kamala? Those are gonna be some real grapes, folks. They're gonna be so ripe, so heavy, you could probably feed your family with one bunch. I bet you could. And you know, you might need to.
Shout from crowd: Because of Biden's inflation!
Uproarious jeering and applause
He's right. I didn't want to say it I thought it might be too mean. I wasn't gonna say it. But it's true. It's true folks. With the Democrats you're gonna need your grapes.