Some context about this here:

the robots.txt would be updated with this entry

User-agent: GPTBot
Disallow: /

Obviously this is meaningless against non-openai scrapers or anyone who just doesn't give a shit.

  • jungekatz [comrade/them, undecided]
    11 months ago

    Idk , I am not all for a private entity scraping comments and then using it , thats basically us doing free labour for them! No cool !

  • recursive_recursion [they/them]
    11 months ago

    I could be wrong but wouldn't people be able to file class action lawsuits against these companies? because they are literally copying content without obtaining any prior explicit user consent, also I'm pretty sure Europeans have an upper hand with data privacy protection from GDPR (European data being extracted/harvested and transferred to US servers)

    I could be wrong though

      11 months ago

      The possibility exists, though I wouldn't hold my breath.

    11 months ago

    That won't stop OpenAI. We need actual blocking, on the server side. Problem is, with federation and all, it will be really, really difficult to do. And expensive.

    11 months ago

    I think this is a general question and problem for the whole fediverse, and can easily lead to the question of whether, or even when the fediverse is going to embrace having closed or private spaces or even invite only spaces, in order to try to secure some "human interaction only" social media.

    11 months ago

    I can understand privacy concerns, but I feel like it's inevitable that LLMs will be used to make lots of decisions, some possibly important, so wouldn't you want some content included in its training? For instance, would you want an LLM to be ignorant of FOSS because all the FOSS sites blocked it, and then a child asks an LLM for advice on software and gets recommended Microsoft and Apple products only?