• 67 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Mechanismatic@lemmy.ml
    3 days ago

    It's actually worse. I use both in different contexts. Fahrenheit for weather and climate control because that's what all the forecasts and thermostats use, but then some of the equipment I work with like Czech or Chinese 3D printers use Celsius.

    I do use milimeters more often than inches when doing design work for 3D modeling or laser cutting because it's a lot easier.

  • If you've got a great story idea, I'd write that first and then make the world match the story's needs. However, you want to make sure the world would function logically the same way even if the plot weren't carried out. That is to say, don't make absurdly convenient world building choices just to make the plot work. Readers will often pick up on that. "How convenient that the social tradition requires a man and a woman go on this adventure together so the main characters could fall in love!"

    Sometimes the opposite happens and writers will spend so much effort on the world building that the story will suffer because the writer can't kill their darlings and cut out unnecessary details.

    It's a balancing act.

  • Mechanismatic@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlA Judicial "Trolley Problem"
    10 months ago

    Moral responsibility initially lies in the people responsible for creating the situation. The rioters are responsible regardless of which choice is made because they are the ones creating the circumstance in which there is no option to avoid injustice. If you're the judge, you're not responsible for the rioters killing more than one person, however unfortunate that is. You would be responsible for knowingly killing a known innocent.

    Likewise, with the trolley problem, regardless of what choice the operator makes, whoever tied up the people and put them on the tracks and whoever caused the trolley to barrel out of control is at least initially responsible.

  • I can understand privacy concerns, but I feel like it's inevitable that LLMs will be used to make lots of decisions, some possibly important, so wouldn't you want some content included in its training? For instance, would you want an LLM to be ignorant of FOSS because all the FOSS sites blocked it, and then a child asks an LLM for advice on software and gets recommended Microsoft and Apple products only?