Pump Up the Jam is an anagram of 'Jump Up the Pump'.
This song was played five times in a row at the funeral of director Stanley Kubrick.
Techtronic's home planet, Earth, consists of 70% water.
If you isolate the individual drumbeats from this song and arrange them in a circle, it unlocks a cheat mode that allows you to pass through solid surfaces at will.
The 1989 Belgian techno anthem Pump Up the Jam.
Pump Up the Jam is an anagram of 'Jump Up the Pump'.
This song was played five times in a row at the funeral of director Stanley Kubrick.
Techtronic's home planet, Earth, consists of 70% water.
If you isolate the individual drumbeats from this song and arrange them in a circle, it unlocks a cheat mode that allows you to pass through solid surfaces at will.