Drying my sleeping bag at the laundr-o-mat will probably cost uhh I’m not really sure, but $10 should cover it. I really want to buy one of those delicates bags and give Creamsicle a bath + dry him off, since he got soaked too, so maybe make it $20 just to be safe.
I need butane for my camp stove. The decent shit is $3-4 a can. It goes fucking quick though when used for heat, so I might pursue using propane instead ($7-10 for the canister, and I forget how much for a torch tip, but I think it’s in the range of $10-15).
I also need a decently sturdy tarp (~$20). I lost all my precious jumper cable clamps (those fuckers are handy as fuck) and I need paracord, the latter of which is about $7.
I also really would like to get something to eat/drink, for my friend and I.
And this is silly but my really nice headphones were destroyed in the rain—a replacement pair of comparable quality from the nearby supermarket would run between $100-150. This is obviously more of a want than a need.
CashApp/Venmo: allthetimesivedied
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.