Except it's not finished. I had to put down the brush for the past week due to illness, but I picked it back up tonight and finished the body and head. Now I move onto the arm weapons and I'm going to at least base them tonight. But I went with Thousand Sons colors as it's for that army in particular. Mind you I make some personal changes for personal tastes, but they're the overall colors minus yellow...which I can't figure out where to put it. I also tried making the skulls or spirits or whatever on the smokestacks look like they were made out of tallow candles while vomiting ghost light. I could've done better, but I was super tired when I painted them. There are a few mistakes that I'm not going to go over and fix cause I don't think they're super noticeable, but maybe. IDK. Maybe find a way to smush in that yellow somewhere if I'm feeling spicy.
Also, I use blue-white light in my painting "studio" and I can't get the color to come out perfectly with my iPhone's camera. It keeps throwing a blue heavy filter on it and I can only correct it so much.
That’s so cool.
I love the contrast between the grand block colours on the back plate and the intricate detail everywhere else. It looks really good.
Have you been painting models for long?
Thank you <3
I started in late July, so a little over 3 months ago.