this is what i expected you to post when thousands of women and children were being fucking Bulldozed into a mass grave, not when your favorite girlboss loses the voting ritual, you dumb fuck!
these people are babies holy shit!
and before any liberal dweeb drops in with a ''well akshually, drumpf is gonna bulldoze more civilians than Kamala! so joke's on you, stupid tanky!!''
I'm not american. that's all on you, shoulda voted harder, dickweed.
that's about right, the only decent ''youtube essay'' about DE is Kay and Skittle's one, about hope and doomerism. it's actually okay, even if i disagree with a few things
oh wasn't aware kay and skittles did one. Id maybe watch that, they're generally on the ball with me, I follow them on twitter. But yea apart from that I'll see one in my recommendations every now and then and i always avoid it like the plague lol
Jacob Geller also had a good one
Been a minute but I wanna say the Grimbeard vid is good too? He's usually pretty based