The lengths they go to avoid talking about economics.

      3 months ago

      Liberals seem to have this weird idea that they always need to do sex over economics in their analyses, because Marx didn't understand the power of horniness or something. (You bet he did, he worked with fucking Engels).

  • Adkml [he/him]
    3 months ago

    And I'm sure the solution isn't for those people to stop being unfuckable bigots.

    No we're just gonna need some women to bite the bullet and let some greasy incel dry hump them while saying slurs on xbox live.

  • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
    3 months ago

    Online man-fluencers are turning legions of young men into Nazis by coopting their general discontentment at how their lives suck and how alienated and atomized they feel socially? Wow, sounds like the solution to this is to bully women into submitting to these brownshirt losers rather than address any of the root causes!

  • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    This whole talk about "Shift" in voting doesn't make any sense to me if republicans had less turnout then they did in 2020. Do we have data on how many new republican registrations there were vs democrats? Do we have data on democrats who voted republican this cycle? Dems had 13 million less votes this time around, where did those people go? Isn't this "shift" actually just a reflection of that 13 million less democrats? What about those who abstained, what about those who voted 3rd party? Shift seems to imply that Dems are becoming Republicans, which could actually be that Dems are becoming non-voters or 3rd party voters.

    3 months ago

    This is a hilarious theory. By this theory, if a Nazis f***s a woman, they'll become a lib.

    R/GenZ right now is just taken over by right-wing incels who are celebrating their supposed 'win'. Shame on any dumb libs who immediately blame Kamala's loss on the entire Gen Z generation or other minority instead of doing some introspection.

    Trump didn't even gain voters, Kamala just lost more. Therefore no group 'shifted right', Kamala's domestic and foreign policy was just completely vapid.

    At least Trump made vague promises to "bring jobs back". All Kamala did was try gaslighting voters into thinking the economy was booming. For example, when Democrats aligned economist Paul Krugman got yelled at about the economy, he had the audacity to go on Twitter later and say that all the complaints were just "Russian propaganda and Trump's lies".

  • UltraGreen [comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Ok, I'm sure anyone that uses reddit has seen the "why is gen-z so conservative?" Posts. Frankly, I think that's not accurate. I'm gen Z, literally no one I know in my age bracket is remotely "conservative". Most of them are either run of the mill blue voters, or leftist and recognized that voting for Kamala or Trump wouldn't fix anything and if the Democrats want votes they need to move left, not right. Liberals just can't fathom that.

    Who was at college campuses protesting the genocide in Gaza? Gen Z. Who said they wouldn't vote for anyone who supported Israel's slaughter of Palestinians? Gen Z. Liberals and Democrat establishment did not listen and instead arrested and suppressed us.

    Sure there are some Andrew Tate bros sure. But those guys were always going to vote fascist, they come from Christian fundamentalist households. They are born into the ideology.

    Liberals really just cannot fathom that the left had no candidate. Hell, I know this is very dem-soc of me, but a Bernie-like candidate would have likely done so much better because Bernie said things other than "Trump bad". He appealed to class struggles. We even heard from some people in 2016 that when Bernie left, they either didn't vote or went to Trump because he made a bunch of promises to the "little people ".

      3 months ago

      It's partially both in my experience. Depends on where you are. Suburban/rural Gen Z really are leaning more conservative; statistics will show that right-wing ideologues are on the rise in younger generations.

      At the same time, it's also an age thing. Plenty of people develop at 14-16 politically. Some do it at 20. Some do it at 25. There are some 22 year olds I know now who are just beginning to actually think about politics.

      • UltraGreen [comrade/them]
        3 months ago

        I think it's not so different from millennials. A 22 year old white man from Missouri is probably going to be exactly the same as all of his ancestors. A 22 year old in Oregon, same. I think this whole "we are getting more conservative!" Thing is more of a cope than an actual statistic. I mean, how could you even accurately measure that statistic? I'm not going to fill out a form online describing my political beliefs lol. That sounds sketch af.

          3 months ago

          Fair. Any poll is absolutely suspect. The right-wing shift in national politics is absolutely noticeable though. Objectively...I think Obama was a little less "right" than Dick Cheney (by a little less I mean like an inch/inch and a half) but at the same time here is dick cheney now endorsing democrats and trying to get George W. Bush on board. But you could be right.

    3 months ago

    The lengths they go to avoid talking about economics.

    The lengths they go to, to avoid talking about virtually everything, tbh. This is western chauvinism on Socrates internet quote brain. They desperately want to be what they think is the cool thinker who sums everything about society up into a neat little bundle, while doing zero investigation. This basically:

    You can't solve a problem? Well, get down and investigate the present facts and its past history! When you have investigated the problem thoroughly, you will know how to solve it. Conclusions invariably come after investigation, and not before. Only a blockhead cudgels his brains on his own, or together with a group, to "find solution" or "evolve an idea" without making any investigation. It must be stressed that this cannot possibly lead to any effective solution or any good idea. In other words, he is bound to arrive at a wrong solution and a wrong idea.

    Side note: Gonna potentially humiliate myself to make a point, but making the truth known through real life examples is more important for stuff like this than whether people think I'm cool. In the meaning of incel that is more literal (involuntary celibate), I am that. I don't have any of the fucked up "hating women/resenting them, etc." because of it. Nor have I ever had inclinations in that direction, even before I considered myself anti-imperialist and communist. In my mind, the one has little to do with the other. The only real crossover is on stuff like recognizing how capitalism has made it harder to have human connection and by extension, that can apply to romantic connection too; or how patriarchy creates all kinds of fucked up dynamics and predatory behavior on the part of men, which on top of the pure hurt done, has consequences for how safe women realistically can be in approaching a thing like dating and how much they're going to develop reasonable layers of wariness they might not otherwise have. But obviously there are people who are still doing it alright regardless, so some of it is my specific circumstances and how I live my own life, not a universal principle of capitalism or a patriarchal system that you can't get laid.

    The idea of sticking it to women because a famous woman says how important this election is to them, is so foreign to me, I don't even know where to begin. I spent the last year trying to find a balance between spreading documented info of a genocide happening, and not hairshirt-style pointlessly taking on secondhand trauma to feel better as a person, with no real satisfactory answer as to how to handle such an unprecedented thing as a genocide happening and being proliferated across high speed internet in real-time with vivid video of it occurring, while dealing with people denying that information in real-time, downplaying it, or even saying it's deserved. And that on top of trying to balance it with my own life circumstances and figure out how to find a point in all the shlocky individualist thinking I encounter about life, while people are being mass murdered and I'm being told I should focus on me or whatever. I feel like I'm living in a different universe from a person like this. I understand people have their information bubbles, but my god, it's stark.

    I say all this not to make it about me (it's actually kind of uncomfortable for me to get into this much detail about myself in a place like this), but to make a point about the gap and use myself as an example of someone real, rather than just being hypothetical. Look to what people are actually doing and saying. Ask them if necessary. Then you can begin to build a notion of patterns.

    3 months ago

    there are not spaces for men in the left quite the same way as there is on the right.

    they make them feel included and validated for their woes in a way we don't. i think we sometimes forget men also participate in capitalism.

      3 months ago

      “You were made to dominate and these [slur]s have taken that from you.” Vs “Society lied to you, you aren’t superior.” Vs (libs, what they mostly hear) “what are you talking about? Everything’s fine, esp for you. Let’s just do more pink capitalism.”

        3 months ago

        i think its deeper than that, a lot of these men are just isolated. ive been through some rough patches, and there wasnt any space for me to go back to after a particularly bad crisis or event in my life. i spent a huge amount of time completely alone in my life, and the right is there for people going through this exactly like televangelism is there for disillusioned boomers.

        you can bet “Society lied to you, you aren’t superior.” was in my mind the entire fucking time: on my proto conservative little shit phase, on my apathetic lib phase, and today on my fuck capitalism years.

        i just had the luck of having someone who didnt turn his back on me. because libs cant be argued with or some shit.

      2 months ago

      there are not spaces for men in the left quite the same way as there is on the right.

      I agree with this, actually, but I think the problem goes even deeper. For about fifty years, huge portions of the bourgeois western left have stigmatized concepts like struggle and comradeship and militancy as "toxically masculine." In fact these are neither masculine nor feminine, but human; and becoming an adult means realizing these same deeply human qualities within oneself. This can only be done communally. Very many young people emerge from childhood, look at the bourgeois left (it is the most visible), and despair; and they turn thus to the right, which claims to offer a path to the human qualities mentioned. Of course, the right is lying, for they too want people to be good consumers and wage slaves who never question imperialism or the capitalist system. But there is on the right a show of comradeship and militancy -- "the left calls you toxically masculine? Well, we're toxically masculine and proud! -- and young people turn to it like a thirsty man in the desert.

      (This latter, by the way, you find among young women as well as men, though the male version of the phenomenon is much more noticed. The material conditions of capitalism deny both men and women humanity, but women rather more. The right's "solution" to this is to complete the subordination of woman to man, in theory as a kind of "helpmate," but actually more like a slave. Thus, the thought goes, women can "participate" in the human qualities which the male embodies; but she becomes human only by emptying and negating her humanity. We hear much today about the supposed "feminization" of men. This is not what is going on. Men are stripped by capitalism of their basic human qualities of struggle and militancy; hence, women cannot draw from men these qualities; and as a result many women become resentful of the "impassivity" of men. But the blame is put in the wrong place, on secondary social factors instead of the system).

      One of the things that actually drew me to communism when I was younger was the fact that, compared to the idiot beer-swilling, Bush-loving, war-mongering-but-also-draft-dodging conservatives I was surrounded by, communists like Che and Stalin and Kim Jong-Il seemed to embody a true, authentic, and positive masculinity. They were as different from these would-be "manly" posers as night is from day. Stalin was the man who industrialized a continent. Lenin was a titan of moral and intellectual strength -- almost a frightening demigod of the mind. Mao fought for years a brutal guerilla war. My understanding has gotten a lot more sophisticated since then, but I wish more young men could have that same experience.