An example applied to web browsing is the Firefox extension AdNauseam. It's kinda like uBlockOrigin but instead of just blocking the ads, it sends a few packets to similate a click.
Feasibly, you could have several dummy accounts also associated with your name, and run a script to fill them up with various styles of interaction, but only having visible interactions with other dummy accounts. The less an algorithm can characterize you, the more digging an entity would need to do to find out anything useful- and if there's anything we know about massive data collection, it's that nobody is in the habit of doing all the sifting manually.
An example applied to web browsing is the Firefox extension AdNauseam. It's kinda like uBlockOrigin but instead of just blocking the ads, it sends a few packets to similate a click.
Feasibly, you could have several dummy accounts also associated with your name, and run a script to fill them up with various styles of interaction, but only having visible interactions with other dummy accounts. The less an algorithm can characterize you, the more digging an entity would need to do to find out anything useful- and if there's anything we know about massive data collection, it's that nobody is in the habit of doing all the sifting manually.