Is there a proposed "curriculum" or can someone recommend something like that? Basically I'm looking to see if there's a recommended list of theory books ordered in a way that would be intended to go from one to the next? I downloaded the Mega file of theory and I'm familiar with some archive sites of books/essays. But I find I'm at kind of a loss on where to start. Sometimes the author is responding to a previously written work, and sometimes I start something where it feels like I missed a prerequisite book.

It doesn't help that I don't have great reading comprehension and definitely struggle with 1800s English language terms. I'm aware that there's a lot of variety in theory and thought within "the left" but I'm having a really tough time navigating it.

Sorry for the lib framework of this question, any help is greatly appreciated!

  • spectre [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I'm actually working on this right now, if you want to assist (and do some learning along the way, like I am) DM me (I'll make a public post if we get some momentum, but it's more of a personal project right now). In the longer term, it would be cool to develop actual content to go along with the curriculum, but I'm just outlining concepts for now.

    That goes for anyone else too, especially if you have a real-life background in a certain topic.